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Gardner Barnes

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Everything posted by Gardner Barnes

  1. About cross division. I see LSU and Bama playing that game. I see us matched up with GA or Florida. Which I’m ok with.
  2. The resurfacing of terrible aggy rap videos?
  3. God dammit. I had forgotten all about this shit.
  4. Have you been to Eastern Washington? Holy shit. It’s worse than Lubbock. And possibly harder to get to.
  5. The cast members I would like to stay. The rest can go. Beck Bennett Chloe fineman Alex moffat Mikey day All are outstanding character actors with good impressions. Che/Jost as well. WU is solid and has been for the past few years.
  6. What makes it funny is that it makes Jost so clearly uncomfortable. His reaction to what he has to read is gold.
  7. I hear the pizza shooters shrimp poppers and the x-treme fajitas are great. My waiter told me.
  8. It’s not going to be close. I am in multiple groups mostly concentrated about the local schools district that skew left and a majority of the people in those groups are voting for prop B.
  9. Holy christ this is the best middle I’ve ever seen play in club ball. Glad she is commited to Texas.
  10. I have no idea where my cutoff is. I had to use the city side last night. Fixed it and turned it back on this am. Don’t tell austin water.
  11. Jokes on everyone. That’s south Austin’s mom!!!!
  12. I have a 4wd Jeep and can help people get loved ones to another location. I will be avail this afternoon. I don’t want to post my phone number but immamac can DM it to anyone that truly needs a lift
  13. Smoky. It’s really a non starter. I’ve seen 50+ abandoned cars. Are you sure you don’t have someone to help you out? I can probably do so later this afternoon. DM me.
  14. God damn I just laughed loud enough to wake up my wife.
  15. If you have a 4wd vehicle you will have no problem. Been driving all over today. Even climbed up this thing..
  16. Got tired of worrying about the frozen bibs so got in my daughters Jeep ans drove all over town Saw at least 6 idiots including a dude in a Tesla stuck on the hill on SB 360 near Apple and the Granduca. Helped them. Went to 7-11 bought some stuff Saw the same Tesla guy now stuck near the scenic overlook on NB 360. Didn’t help him Drove downtown. A cool ski hill with jumps has been made at auditorium shores. Tons of people out and about walking around downtown. Lots of dogs at Ziilker and Aud Shores. All in all a pretty badass morning all things considered. Also we have austin energy and have not lost power yet so crossing fingers
  17. they were triple wrapped. Boiling water didnt work. proper fucked.
  18. All outside bibs are frozen. What is the plan here? Seriously, when it thaws do I need to sit and watch them? Should I leave them open or closed?
  19. Big ass Tom Herman stripper snow coming down in the 46
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