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Everything posted by 4thgenhorn

  1. I also have the silverware, inherited. We use it 1-2 times a year. It’s nice, but annoying to wash by hand. It’s one of those things I’d never buy but it’s kinda nice to have 12 hrs a year. I’ve never priced it out...but if the world goes to anarchy, I could trade a spoon for some bread or a beer. So I got that going for me.
  2. I write covered calls often. I typically shoot for a 1-2% return for the contract, 14-30 days out, and ~8-10% OOM. example I’m short FB 320 right now, 11 biz days to exp. if I sell at 320, fine with me for mid April. Ive also done well with QS, but had some called away. Thought about doing some QQQ covered calls as well today, but didn’t get to it. You don’t get rich quick this way, and it’s definitely irritating when they go against you. But in my opinion worth trying.
  3. More like a car daily. Being rich sucks.
  4. I dig this thread. I’ve been dabbling for a number of years and COVID has definitely accelerated the number of options trades I do. I’d say I’m much more of a gut feel and chartist than a true greek symbol quant. Primarily calls and covered calls, not as much on Put side. today I’m long calls NVDA, CRWD, PYPL, CRM, DD, WFC. All expire before end of March. I’m short covered NVDA, QS, and CRWD. one thing I’ve found annoying is unloading a call spread when close to expiration, especially when short call is OOTM. I feel like I’m not getting a good price for the whole distance of the spread. So lately my short call will expire one week before long call...makes it easier to sell. Another thing, purely driven by greed, is I buy the call and wait a bit to sell the covered call in the vertical. My hope is equity goes up 1-2% and then I write. Of course downside risk is a bit more. Trade idea I’m looking at: DKNG covered calls. I’m long stock, and looking one month out. $71 calls pay a great premium imho. Probably cause of the super bowl.
  5. So reading their FAQ you can’t transfer the coins and you don’t get a key. However it can be swapped for cash immediately in PayPal. They have an exchange fee which I don’t know what it is. But it seems awfully easy and convenient way to hold and quickly spend crypto if you want.
  6. I see PayPal is now offering crypto buys and holds. Anyone have experience using PayPal to buy crypto and hold? Pro or con?
  7. In line right now...disappointed by yoga pants so far. All olds around me. One is a fat old lady not wearing a mask...she’s done for.
  8. Bought me some LSF yesterday. Every time I’ve invested in trendy food co it’s worked out well. We will see on this one.
  9. This!
  10. Why all the reluctance on this massive hype IPO for a fast growing biz in the hottest market available today, yet less concern on this thread for bankrupt penny stocks? I don’t see losing 95% of value on SNOW as equal probability as some of others...
  11. Sooner fore play
  12. I just bought my wife the Iwatch 5 last week. I hadn’t followed the watch closely, clearly, but for some reason I thought the 5 was recently released. Now, it’s old crap.
  13. Who’s going for some Snowflake tomorrow? I might throw some at it in a pure market order. You’ll see my trade as the high point spike for the day. unfortunately not getting any IPO shares.
  14. One value of the split is greater ability to write covered calls. Throw GOOG into the list as well.
  15. I had a similar eagerness right out of school. Went straight into options, bought a bunch, made a little in first 1-2 months then lost 100% of my portfolio. It was a good lesson. Then I read all of Bill O’Neils books, founder Investors biz daily, read all of Cramer’s, read Buffetts bio, read a number of others. Boggleheads.org has tons of info. Max all tax advantages plans and put them in index. Experiment with small cash while you read and study, real world experience>academics. Before you know it you’ll have a pile of equities and be on your way to an “expert”. Also realize the 2020 market is very unusual. TSLA is very unusual. It won’t go up 7x in a year again.
  16. Nothing wrong with making profits. You can always just cover and take the small loss vs position. I’m doing the exact same thing, but on AAPL and FB. Hope they just don’t pop 5% in next 7 biz days.
  17. Not a very positive report, guess I’ll pass. speaking of Stonky, largest Co in the world AAPL is going parabolic before their split. I sold a 525 call Sept 4 on Fri. Course it’s already underwater. Option prices are very rich, especially given size. I hope I can do more post split.
  18. Anyone watching GRWG? US Pot grower who just started turning a profit and is doubling NR. Doubled in last week...which I guess makes it stonky. I’ve yet to buy but thinking about it.
  19. With a balance of $8M, I hope they’d be the majority of the budget. Thanks for posting the most ridiculous academic paper I’ve seen in a while. Very small percent of peeps will hit that number and very small percent can live sub $40k. Guess 99% of peeps will eat dog food in retirement and ration their pills.
  20. The GI Joe aircraft carrier was the pinnacle of toys. I didn’t even get the F-16 jet, let alone the carrier. I only saw one carrier as a kid and my jaw hit the floor.
  21. I recall in elementary school thinking if you could eat out and have shrimp that you were rich. My 4th grade teacher said at beginning of the year if you had perfect attendance she would take you out to a restaurant for dinner. I remember pulling her aside after the offer and clarifying, “you mean even red lobster?” At the end of the year there was no mention of the offer. Either I didn’t have perfect attendance or she’s a liar! When Red Lobster has those shrimp fest commercials I always remember back to that teacher. i also remember shrimp as being like a special event if my mom would get like 5 precooked shrimp from the seafood deli. What a luxury!
  22. Doing the homeschool for 4th grader via normal public school. Spring was terrible but they say they’re going to try this Fall vs all optional work past Spring. we hired a Math tutor that’s starting next week. Might add more tutors with 1-2 friends so it adds a touch of social. Seems the tutors will get booked fast so we are starting now. Also spent today rearranging some furniture in guest room to provide a school office for 4th grader independent of family. Hopefully make it a place easier to study and zoom from. also need to buy another PC for home so no sharing. Probably a chrome book, but maybe a MacBook.
  23. Sold half mine as well; the remaining half I have decaying covered calls. The calls are so rich I think I’ll be holding for a while just based on that alone. New pick is SGEN...cancer drug co...looks to be breaking out this week.
  24. Made some good cash in BYND today. Also wrote 185 covered call for this Fri. Crazy when 20% OTM call gives you > 1% return, weekly. Hope it keeps going up, but don’t want it past 185 by Fri.
  25. They really got a bit Surly with each other. I missed that, thanks for posting.
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