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Everything posted by 4thgenhorn

  1. Bought some NVDA today. I didn’t catch the bottom, but hopefully can get a few day rally. I’d like to write some covered calls if it can pop 3-5%. Fingers crossed today isn’t a pump fake...
  2. I totally understand why some people let others do the investing. If it’s not your passion or you don’t have the time, then by all means go for it. I’ve always enjoyed it personally. Definitely find it more interesting than straight gambling or sports betting. I’ve done fine, no idea if I’ve outperformed over the long haul. Probably could have made a career in WS if my path had been slightly different and I felt like leaving Texas. Anyways looking to buy more soon, like Friday’s pay day
  3. There were idyllic to me. Was at UT for the 2nd half.
  4. Unfortunately yes. What’s interesting is how all the analysts in unison lowered price targets. If there is ever is price reversal based on all the negativity, then I guess that could be a sign of a bottom. Like today’s action. I’m probably too cowardly or too wise to double down though.
  5. Bought my 3 yr old daughter a purple Eukelele this past weekend. Challenge of course is I don’t play Eukelele. So I picked up a basics book and will try to learn a few cords. Never know, could be next Taylor Swift.
  6. Gotta tune into new X-men film. Hopefully at least some hot spandex uniform for Gene Gray.
  7. Went ahead and put some $ to work today in VTI. Given how poorly I typically time my buys, it will prob be down big tomorrow. So, I took one for the team to give you all a better cost. You are welcome!
  8. I think Danys flipping was really driven by the loss of her Dragon right before. She thinks of them as her children after all. They could have done more to build pressure on the turn, but then maybe not a surprise? I enjoyed the episode overall. Sure they could have done more, it they are really wrapping it up quick now. Only one episode left for Sansa to show her Tatas. Fingers crossed.
  9. Anyone going to try to sell today or tomorrow and perhaps buy back in lower? I’ve never successfully done something like that, but curious if anyone out there is nimble enough. If so, what rules would you use. I was 5 min away from deploying my loose cash last week. Very thankful I did not. Soon I’ll be looking at one of: AMZN DIS PAYPAL or simply VTI and forget it.
  10. Looks like during your bulking phases you also stop logging weight regularly. Maybe small tweak of continuous weighting’s, even if it’s bad news, will help during those periods to get you back on track.
  11. So question for OVER training. If you hit a muscle group and take it too failure with low rep high weight, how many days until hitting that group again? I read recently only do that group once a week; that’s if your goal is gaining muscle mass, not talking about a weight loss goal. In the past I probably hit same group to failure at least twice a week...wondering if I’ve been over training.
  12. 10 - my boy will be accepted to UTD, but not UTA. I tell him to transfer after 2 years. He disobeys me and I drink even more. 20 - it gets hot as f@ck. Battery powered self driving cars are everywhere. US adopts pollution tax; everything that pollutes costs a lot more. Paper cup of water is $10, plastic bottle of water is $10,000. Wind powered kWh is cheap; gasoline gallon of energy costs $50,000 cause you are ruining the world A-hole. 30 - 2049, aliens land on earth; we shoot them and they blow us all up. RIP
  13. Enjoyed the episode, but a few I think I liked more, although shorter sequences. Recall Jon Snows first battle with a WW and discovers his sword is awesome and the kids got turned by the NK and they ate the lady. Badass. Also the battle at the wall vs. the wildlings was pretty strong and well done. This was pretty good for an epic zombie battle, if that’s your thing. The dragon battling was a bit weak. Love Arya and the kill stroke. My beef is the intensity wasn’t there cause Bran was at stake at that moment. As others have said, he’s been pretty pointless except for Snows origin. He was even left out a whole season. The Dothraki charge could make sense in that it was kinda cool visually for the director, and how do you fit all the open plains horsemen behind Winterfell walls? id like episode six to end with Sansa submitting to Tyrion given he’s “the best of em all”
  14. Got 4 gym visits in this week, so that’s good enough for me. Gym visits really make my day, im always pissed when work makes me miss one. Also lost 5 pounds over the holidays I think due to travel and just not snacking as much. I was surprised Im not trying to loose drastic weight, but do try to increase strength and mass via resistance training. I do a daily 12 hr fast (not counting morning coffee) and I seem to feel pretty good most days. Very tried for a full day fast Good luck to all of you on your quests to your best you.
  15. 4thgenhorn

    Gym Pet Peeves

    So you know the new Lulu wind shorts reboot that’s in style now. Well other day an 8+ was rocking them on deadlifts. I needed to do leg press two stations behind, sorry its leg day. Pet peave is she did only one more set. Didn’t even drop set. I mean, WTH?
  16. So I wrote covered calls today on PayPal shares. Here is my model: price today: 89.8 Date of option: 3/15/2019, 62 days from today Strike price: $95, 5.4% above today Contract price: $3.3, 3.7% of today Outcomes: either I sell the shares on March 15 for a gain of 9.1%, or I keep the 3.7% I can ponder if it was the right decision while getting 16 dances/contract.
  17. I like the game plan u outlined. I’ve done very similar strategy in the past. But I only sell the puts with money sitting ready to go...which usually means it’s pretty small potatoes as I’m mostly invested already. Covering when >70% of value is gone makes sense, unless u really want the shares bad.
  18. When you are eating BBQ chips, and halfway through the bag you’re interrupted to change a sheot diaper. Even after I wash my hands I wonder if I should lick my fingers after I finish the remainder of the bag. #parentingsux
  19. I had to do this last night. Couldn’t find them in garage. Wander to faucets and they are still laying there from last year. Score one for lazy...productivity through the roof!
  20. 4thgenhorn

    Gym Pet Peeves

    So this morning I walk up to a squat rack, adjacent another rack. No one is on the other rack ATM. I proceed to start putting one 45 per side, there are no 45s one of my rack side next to other rack. However there is one on the floor and 2 on the rack and 135 on the barbell. I proceed to pickup the one plate on the ground and a dude comes flying from 50 ft away, “Put that Back, I need that!” I ask about the other two 45 on the rack, and he’s “I Need those too”. They aren’t on the bar, just on the rack. So I point to another rack 20 ft away and i say “do u need those too?” Then I get “you don’t have to be a smart ass”. I move on and finish a whole workout and the guy is sitting there with all the weight on the squat bar just visiting he walks away, visits some more it wasn’t till after I’d showered and was leaving he moves to leg press solid hour with 8 plates just admiring he has two knee braces and squat belt too
  21. So I’ve used that strategy before in small quantities. Twice the stock was put to me, and over a multi-year period it turned out to be very profitable. That said, I felt like a real fool when it did dip below my put and was stressful. Options are great tools, but in my practice I find the volatility and challenge for optimal execution stressful. Also the premium from the options are really mice nuts in the big picture.
  22. 4thgenhorn


    I’m listening....does that make the edible more potent?
  23. Just start playing with your kid. We have a book that taught a few openings. My boy has been using them and can checkmate newbs in 4 moves. He plays in the after school chess club and wins most matches. But he is a sore ass loser when I beat him.
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