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The Beast

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Posts posted by The Beast

  1. 45 minutes ago, Vertigo said:

    I was wondering if pushing Campbell to Center might be a way to get him on the field if he doesn't overtake Conner. Or move Conner inside to center. 

    Campbell is left handed, center is out.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Schulz2.0 said:

    This by itself? Sure. The problem is that there are plenty of people saying he's already been in the doghouse because he can't stop doing stupid shit to get himself in trouble. The list of guys that left Alabama due to being a headcase or immature and panned out elsewhere is pretty damn short.

    Give me about 4 more of exactly the same and let’s go win a championship. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. 5 minutes ago, Sandbagging Steve said:

    Do you enjoy the lack of integrity in the college game? It's worse than FIFA, by a wide margin. 

    Do you enjoy money being paid illegally under the table and glorified prostitutes thrown in front of students and their parents? Do you enjoy the life lessons these universities teach young athletes?

    Do you enjoy people not getting paid fairly for their hard work?

    Do you enjoy the fact that there is so many teams it's impossible to get good, unbiased officiating at the college game? And sometimes just straight up unprofessional cheating? The end result, at times, is refs determining the outcome of games. Games that kids have worked their tails off to win. That fans have spent a ton of money and invested a lot of time in. 

    Do you enjoy the fact that no one plays anyone anymore? And that college football is the only sport where the champion hasn't earned it? All that time and money and the champion usually doesn't even earn the championship. Think about all the hard work kids and coaches put into this and the fans that invest their time and money. Is that fair to them?


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