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Everything posted by disgustipated

  1. I seem to remember ballot drop off locations being limited by someone....im sure that was in the interests of expanding the franchise.
  2. Right. NRG snapped up their retail NE and Texas portfolio for a song from what I heard at the time.
  3. 2014 Polar Vortex caused Dominion to exit Retail Market.
  4. Are the plants really buying spot gas? Dont they have firm contracts for delivery? who on the hook for failure to deliver?
  5. I'm a few years removed from the scene, but I remember discussions of an uncapped market. I also remember there being problems with the grid itself across the power zones with certain spots being susceptible to congestion and creating pricing issues. Interesting point on the distributive generation, and as difficult as it was just getting smart meters installed, it seems that now that they are, there are lots of innovative products could arise. However, I cant see the power brokers, pun intended, allowing anyone else to "tap into the game" such as individual houses bidding into interruptible load markets. Maybe an REP could offer a product / plan and couple with solar. Get enough customers and start putting generation back into the grid, just thinking off the cuff.
  6. How much of this is a failure of imagination? Its clear that the tools available to mitigate this disaster were not sufficient as well as the scenario planning. With the loss of generation, I cant help but think about the challenger o rings failure. No getting around weather being one of, if arguably not the most significant variable driving demand, but in a world that is seeing much more extreme temperature on both ends, it seems clear that the current design has areas that need improvement. I'm not sure a capacity market is a cure all, but definitely seems to be something that should have been implemented long ago.
  7. A California judge ordered OAN's parent company to pay $250,000 in Rachel Maddow and MSNBC's legal fees after its failed defamation suit (yahoo.com)
  8. It's not the ones that cant keep their mouth shut that you should worry you. While I tend to subscribe to the George Carlin theory on the average person (and some may argue that is especially true of MAGA nation), there's a whole of money that's been invested until now and more to come . And those who invest. do it with the expectation of ROI.
  9. Cut out the mentions of daily show, many of the 74MM+ voters that voted for Trump see this as proof of their cause.
  10. How about a famous literary Hannibal? a little irony to QANON?
  11. So just the final product of a deconstructed administrative state. Maybe there is some method to the madness? 3D chess?
  12. 1) no relations to them. just a long time lurker. 2) are you suggesting trump has installed his own deep state loyal to him?
  13. In light of the escalation in domestic terrorism threats, thoughts on a future patriot act?
  14. I am not a lawyer, but it seems that a "bright line" was crossed on Tuesday, though it probably was crossed well before. I just wonder why no one has been talking about it using this term. And while the inciting the insurrection in itself is enough, can the the many public acts leading Tuesday (pressuring Pence, pressuring state and local officials in Georgia and other states) add to the fact pattern?
  15. I have season tickets (2 seats) Section 118 row 4 (14&15). If interested in joining my ticket group send me a pm and I'll provide additional details. I ask each person to buy 8-10 games.
  16. Had a situation at Winstar the other night and need some clarification. Preflop UTG raises to $25. 2 callers follow with folds to the big blind who raises to $95. UTG goes all-in for $115 not a qualifying raise. Can the next player raise or is it dead? I thought it was dead since the player had already acted and called the original UTG raise. Floor was called ruled the other two players could raise since they had not had the opportunity to raise on BB's raise.
  17. Recycled may be a little harsh, but It's like i hear parts from other songs that they took in slightly different directions. For example, I hear the beginning riff from Grudge at around 7:45 of Descending and I hear Jambi throughout Invincible.
  18. I dont think this season did any favors for continuing the GRRM universe.
  19. What about the dothraki? they're just chilling out in westeros?
  20. nice to hear actual new music and it sounds great, however as much as i hate to say it i hear some recycling.
  21. X'er latch key kid and bad news bears > millennial with helicopter parents and everybody gets a trophy.
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