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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Jimbaround

  1. I'm in. To whom and how do I pay my donation?
  2. The Voss menu is the same as Kirby, and I'm sure the chop is just as good. We actually went to the Voss location last night because Kirby was such a shit show.
  3. Gave this one an 8 hour decant. Nice big cab.
  4. I don’t think fried turkey is any better than a well Cooked oven turkey. I don’t understand how people go all orgasmic over a fried turkey.
  5. I’m feel like I need to duck after saying this, but the Carrabas on Kirby does an excellent job with their lamb chops.
  6. Regular coke works just as well, but with all the sugar clean up is worse so people use DC instead.
  7. Mmmm, that J Daniel is delicious.
  8. Probably go to 130. Need to make sure the fat is rendered.
  9. I’m going to do our 10lb Christmas prime rib in the sous vide. I’ll put a salt/pepper/garlic/rosemary rub on it while in the bag then shove it in a 500deg oven for 15 min. I’m excited/nervous about switching it up.
  10. For the price you think they would ship in a nicer box.
  11. Jimbaround

    Getting old sucks

  12. Jimbaround

    Getting old sucks

  13. Check Flyertalk.com. They have threads for inflight service for all the major carriers in the Miles & Points forum.
  14. Don't rely on time. All ovens hold temps differently. Buy a probe thermometer and rely on the internal temp. For a 1 inch thick steak I go for 125 internal and then sear for a minute and a half (or so) each side.
  15. Here's what I currently have working: 14lb choice strip. I'm going to check it after a week and see what we've got. No fancy bags, and just some coarse salt on the bottom of the pan... why not? This is after 5 days and you can see how dark it's already getting. Open aging is much much quicker than the bag.
  16. Here's the 30-day. It was funky, but not in a bad way (I can't find the cooked pics). Just a very powerful aroma and flavor. Also, I started with a 5lb hunk and ended up with a 18oz (1.1 lbs) steak. Unbeknownst to me there was a slice (puncture) in one side of the meat that went in about 4 inches. One whole side had "rot" from the inside and I had to discard it. Still a fun experiment. Week 2ish Week 3ish
  17. I've never used bags and usually put it on a rack in the garage fridge (doesn't see regular opening/closing). As you can see I've used salt blocks but I can't say they make a difference (nothing scientific to back up my thought). I have found the meat dries out pretty quickly and about 14 days is the most I want to go. The most I've done is about 30 days (might have been 35, I don't remember) and that meat was delicious in a bleu cheese way. Too rich and funky to eat a whole steak. Pics 14-Day strip. Ready for slicing Sliced Money shot - This steak was just awesome. Deep rich beefy flavor and very tender.
  18. Variety is the spice of life.
  19. I have been cooking to 125 in the sous vide and then searing for 2 min a side (thicker steak) and tend to get the sear I want without overcooking the steak. Lately, I've been going straight to the grill for 2 min rotate, 2 min flip, 2 min rotate, 1.5 min and then rest.
  20. It's fine to turn your nose up at Jack Daniels, but those $6 32oz Jack and Cokes at the Marquis will always hold a place in my heart.
  21. I just write "NOT ALCOHOL" in big letters on the package. Seems to work.
  22. Current bid is $250 on one of these right now: https://live.skinnerinc.com/lots/view/4-1EPTZR/william-heavenhill-small-batch-13-years-old-2006-1-750ml-bottle
  23. Looks like they fixed the glitch. It rang up at $69.99 today at Specs. Is it worth it at $70?
  24. Do you tip on it if they don’t open it?
  25. I just saw b_p’s user name while waiting for the pic to load and thought to myself, “this is going to be something good.” I was not disappointed.
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