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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Jimbaround

  1. I feel like it’s been that way for the past few years. Not that I care, but when did they decide every couple has to be mixed race?
  2. That was awesome. Watson plays an NFL version of playground football.
  3. Tapa double post
  4. I was going to pour a Pappy 23 if the Astros won. Looks like I’ll have to find another event.
  5. Martinez can suck a dick.
  6. That’s the strangest quarter I’ve ever seen.
  7. Consistency wins championships.
  8. Not really, but maybe. PM me with some ideas.
  9. Good haul today.
  10. How win tonight. I can’t imagine the amount of butt-clench going in tomorrow down 3-0.
  11. Smoltz just looks like a smug prick. What a punchable face.
  12. You’ve got Biff’s future sports book, don’t you?
  13. Rally beer? It’s Astro colors... kind of.
  14. That’s the spirit!
  15. You’re a good one minute ahead of our television feed.
  16. Why chase that Carlos?
  17. Why chase that Carlos?
  18. Pina being crafty. They were deep and he intentionally hit a blooper fly.
  19. Chill, it was one bad pitch. I would feel much worse for my future if I were a Nats fan.
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