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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Jimbaround

  1. I have to admit, I'm a little curious. I assume it is for some sort of humanitarian effort, but would any of us be surprised if it were some crazy person looking to corner the Haitian grocery bag market?
  2. I didn't read any further for fear of aids. Link requires login.
  3. The other thread is the bourbon appreciation thread. This must be the bourbon hate thread.
  4. The sky boxes were at the very top. Those were what I remember going to most. Especially for rodeo. The Columbia suites cake after the remodel.
  5. Is “graced with your presence “ the new euphemism for fapping?
  6. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we probably don’t need to see pics.
  7. Practice drinking for tomorrow.
  8. Same here (maybe third post for me). Productivity is still lacking though... hmm,m.
  9. This sounds lovely. Also, someone needs to start the "We were so poor we had to eat tar" thread where people talk about weird shit we have to resort to when we're poor. It could be a mix of the Derka Dog; Steel Shank; and Gross Shit you Ate thread (no Vic's gross food threat shit though please).
  10. This right here. Also, Dear NRA, go back to doing the below more, and chill on the batshit. NRA: Founded to advance rifle marksmanship, the modern NRA continues to teach firearm safety and competency. The organization also publishes several magazines and sponsors competitive marksmanship events.[8]
  11. He sure as shit tried.
  12. Beautiful night for baseball.
  13. I have been on a mayo rollercoaster, when I was young it went on everything, then just “salads,” now I am starting to use it exclusively on sandwiches. Am I turning into my parents where eventually it will be on everything again (I.e. peaches and mayo)?
  14. That is some excellent browning on that bread. Well done.
  15. Personally, I don't do it, but I actually understand. I eat bologna with mayo on white bread and how much different is bologna and a hot dog?
  16. We know you're out there, so just admit it. You'll feel better once you do.
  17. Short answer: maybe? I like it with a cube of ice that i leave in for a minute and take out. Rounds the edges and makes for a very enjoyable sipper.
  18. Relic is the shit. Not too expensive, but really really nice juice.
  19. My wife's uncle is a big buyer and knows the owners and they set us up. To be honest, I had no clue how hard it was to get in when we went. We were going to drop the regular shipments because it is $1,000 every time they send us wine, but her uncle told us that if we drop off we'll never get back on. If you want some we are usually buying less than our allotment and I'm sure we could buy some on your behalf (assuming you're in Houston).
  20. Uh oh, sounds like computer AIDS. Probably best to throw that one away and start over, or just wait for the next version of Hornfans Shaggy Surly to appear.
  21. Ha, that should be in the LOL thread. Dude got wrecked off the bike, and then tripped. Don't fuck with the locals in Cardiff... apparently.
  22. Obvious troll is obvious. I mean, this has to be a troll... right?
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