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  1. Little Marco has some huge elephant ears
  2. Melania seems pissed off. I bet Don fucked his new press secretary, ha.
  3. Now this is getting good.
  4. Could have been hands to the face but oh well. Put in the backups
  5. Would have been a perfect commercial if they had Tommy Lee Jones chasing him at the end.
  6. They just want to bitch about something.
  7. It’s for Gen Z
  8. Was that Serena?
  9. It’ll be funny to capture Trump doing his YMCA dance to this.
  10. Not bad but They really should have had a Master P/Cash Money Mash Up.
  11. Epic 2nd half forthcoming. It’s in the script. A man can dream. Ha
  12. Wow. This reminds me of the Seattle beatdown of Denver.
  13. This is wild
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