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Everything posted by Stunns38

  1. Here comes the rig 12. Of course Fox bitch asses won’t say the obvious
  2. I know it’s early but this game has the feeling of the 2006 K-state road game where Colt got hurt and shit just kept going wrong.
  3. Yeah, things ain’t gon go our way. Wish we would have recovered it
  4. Quinn isn’t right. His feet look slow too.
  5. And we run him up through middle behind out weak Interior line
  6. Damn, how could I forget. Still can’t believe he came back from that.
  7. Wasn’t there another gruesome injury this same date a few years ago? I vaguely remember.
  8. Oh, I just saw a pic. Holy shit. No way I’m watching a video of that.
  9. Just saw it, the best scenario is a torn ACL. Sucks for that young man. Unfortunate.
  10. Boring ass Iowa just finished off Illinois
  11. It seems like Texas, Oregon, and Washington recruits in the LA area better top talent than UCLA and USC.
  12. Let’s dominate all 4 quarters!!! LFG!!!!
  13. Can UCLA even afford to fire him? Is a percentage of that new Big 10 money really going to help over UC (Cal-Berkeley)schools offset their losses? I read about it but wasn’t sure if it was speculation. I don’t know much about their boosters’ commitment.
  14. Reading comprehension…I didn’t mention anything about the last game.
  15. I think JB’s injury will force Sark to call the game more creatively (Sweeps/Pitches/trick plays) and knows that we cannot go conservative if we get a big lead. Contrarily, Sark is still Sark.
  16. The commentator said better days are ahead. lol. Maryland has been stuck at mediocre even with upgraded talent.
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