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Everything posted by Stunns38

  1. Detroit looking like the Detroit of old
  2. The problem I see is that good coaches like Saban evolve. Sark admittedly said he’s still learning on the job even after 15 fucking years. He belongs at a program like Illinois or Washington state with tempered expectations. I hope he gets better but he can’t get out of his own way and is stubborn to a fault. I really think he knows the problems but is too stubborn to try to correct. Not attacking the portal for 1-2 EDGES and more than an injury-plagued safety was borderline arrogance and incompetence. He’s done well recruiting but had some luck plus NIL. However, he’s not capable of being a game managing HC and play calling OC. Not many are. Fortunately for him, much of the casual fan base and admin are happy so far and will accept his 9-10 win ceiling. I wish I were a casual fan and not let a shitty game like this ruin my damn weekend. I just hope Sark will take us over the top but there’s strong evidence that he’ll end up failing.
  3. Now Penix is warming up. It’s about to be officially over
  4. Well, we’re waiting gif. WTF happened?
  5. Good play call but better play by the D.
  6. He’s screwed either way because of my Bears will have the top 2 draft picks.
  7. I gave myself until 1a. Let’s see if they can score this possession then I’ll get my ass to bed.
  8. Well, that’s Game. Good try, good effort ASU.
  9. Getting ASU ready for the rig 12 refs
  10. #4 is a tough SOB. Scrappy player that’ll make the NFL.
  11. Nice TD but WTF was that extra point try… That was the case with the NFL last weekend too.
  12. aggy is waiting with the Brinks truck.
  13. Well, if Ewers is out an extended period of time and we don’t win the rig 12, that’s Sark’s excuse this year. Next year, something else. Then so on. But our powers that be thought that some magic dust would rub off of Saban and make Sark a top ten coach despite his past record. It’s becoming clearer that Sark ain’t it. And yes, I know other teams nearly lost or upset but I’m focused on us.
  14. Yeah, I’m done with predicting blowouts, even if Ewers returns.
  15. No, he stays the stubborn same while other coaches adjust and improve. Say what you want about the rig 12 but most of the coaching staffs are good.
  16. I’m glad I had to drive back home and missed the 2nd half. Escaped with a win. My heart wouldn’t have taken it.
  17. Problem is that Sark is so damn obvious most of the time. Run, Run, incomplete pass.
  18. Whom ever is trying to take the high road and talk about the board melting down, it’s warranted. So frustrating watching this team and the coaching staff keeps letting down our players. We will win this but we will not go undefeated this year with Sark and PK.
  19. Sark let them regain momentum and drunk Holgo can coach circles around him
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