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Everything posted by Stunns38

  1. Every time I want to go to sleep before a Colorado game ends, shit happens to keep me awake.
  2. Mention Texas and stars aligned for Coug high, lol.
  3. Stunns38


    Taking a quick peek, the teams at the top have very experienced o-lines and/or dual-threat QBs. Not saying that’s the reason why we’re not producing. I’d say poor playcalling and most of our O-linemen can’t master both run blocking and pass protection.
  4. I expect the WVA-OU game to have heavy ref influence. If WVA keeps it close, expect ref shenanigans. WVA beats OU, it screws us too. 1 bird, 2 stones for the rig 12. Unfortunately, we will slip up on another game as well. Sark is who he is.
  5. Plus he may get stabbed if he waits until the game is over.
  6. I really think he has some type of CTE issues. He’s very slow processing which wasn’t the case when he was with the Seahawks. It’s baffling how he got so bad, so quickly.
  7. Lol. And now a delay of game. On a crucial 4th. My god
  8. Vikings are so poorly coached.
  9. Love that State Farm w/Andy Reid commercial.
  10. Stunns38


    Lots of reasons why we lost but I think we lost primarily on the LOS yesterday. No one saw that coming. We got plain “out-physicaled”. Our O line hasn’t been dominant all year esp in the red zone. Obviously Majors getting injured hurts but our most talented players there are still young. Someone said that Banks looks a little hobbled too. Our D line got neutralized and our EDGES/DE were non existent. Need that bye week to physically and mentally recover. Need to play angry from here on out and “Embrace the hate”, lol.
  11. It’s good that we no longer need to hear the press clippings. Play with anger and salvage this season.
  12. Lol, you’re the emotional child. PK fucked up with his plans and you bitched like a little girl. Grow the fuck up, we lost.
  13. Roberson played relatively well. I agree that Ewers fucked up.
  14. Fuck you bitch. After playing well all year we decide to start missing tackles without ref interference. OU deserved to win.
  15. Sark didn’t call for the TOs. Ewers needs to do well the rest of the season so he can leave for the NFL.
  16. Can’t overcome turnovers. OU beat us from top To bottom. Sark coached like a pussy on the last series
  17. Ford is terrible today. Everyone is terrible. Let’s go!!
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