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Everything posted by MrBig

  1. Has Uncle Baby Billy been ruled out as a suspect?
  2. Sam’s deep ball was so bad, it would have been perfect for X to run and catch up to it instead of jogging for Quinn’s under thrown deep balls. And Shane would have been great in this office. His deep ball was great and he could run without doing it like a battering ram the way Sam did. Quinn is fortunate he was able to come to Texas with the system Sark was putting into place. I don’t think we would have fired Herman if Quinn didn’t tell him and Texas to fuck off until they got a real coach.
  3. “WhineGuy69” sounds more like it
  4. I must have misread. Being in an empty house while reading Surly on the shitter with a dangerously low TP level is not conducive to comprehensive reading. If I saw the Chat GPT part I would have asked it to help me out.
  5. This is great! My dad never listened to Carlin or any type of stand up comedian, so I have no doubt this is an original thought on my Dad’s part. It just so happens to be nearly identical to Carlin. My Dad is the type of guy who would’ve said, “Carlin said the glass half empty…” and then went on his rant. I think his perception just comes from years of smoking cigarettes and being happy if he found a pack of half empty cigarettes somewhere in his truck. He had so many empty cigarette boxes lying around, it was always a treat to find a pack that was “half empty” when they were usually completely empty. “The Johntay Cook comedy & philosophy thread”
  6. If a UT football player is going to be with a track star, I hope she’s more like Sanya Richards-Ross.
  7. Wilco cops fucking suck. X is lucky they weren’t shooting an episode of Live PD or this would be the X Memorial thread.
  8. That #1 jersey number is a goddamn curse.
  9. This is like that movie with Bryan Cranston where him and his wife gamed the lottery but they did it by hand instead of using this computer bullshit. This TX Lotto case doesn’t sound illegal, just “frowned upon” since the laws are so stupid to allow shit like this to happen in the first place.
  10. Is Glass Half Empty the good or bad one? My dad always did everything backward so he said glass half empty was the positive one because it was “only half empty.” All those suckers being happy about a glass half full is stupid because it should be 100% full. Who the fuck would be happy about getting a 50% full glass? The glass half empty people are happier because their glass is only 50% empty as opposed to being 100% empty. I’ve got all weekend to debate this stupidity.
  11. Do they measure neck thickness at the combine?
  12. Thats insulting to the married women of Bee Caves who spend all day wearing yoga pants, scrolling through Facebook and Tik Tok drinking vodka in a Stanley cup while waiting in the pickup line in their Audi/Lexus SUVs 2 hours early to get their kids from Montessori school.
  13. It’s so fucking ironic that for years the right has screamed about how bad globalization is and talked shit about the evils of the IMF, yet they have no problem with Trump throwing our taxpayer money into buying Bitcoin reserves like we can totally trust him and not get the rug pulled out from under us. Fucking idiotic. This is going to make 2008 look like a light drizzle compared to the shitstorm that’s lingering ahead.
  14. This is an excellent post. It makes me understand better how the VA method allows for vets to work. I know I said I thought it was horseshit that you can get VA disability and still work, but I do believe my brother has severe PTSD from being in Afghanistan/Iraq in the early 2000s. He came back a shell of himself and is a very volatile person. I don’t think he’s “faking” his disability but it’s hard for me to understand how he’s allowed to work as a police officer when his VA disability is PTSD based. There doesn’t seem to be any regulations regarding what fields you can work in while claiming VA disability.
  15. I think it’s horseshit and this needs to be changed. If you tried to work while collecting 100% disability checks from Social Security, they would throw your ass in jail and make you pay back the money. But if you are considered 100% disabled by the VA, you can still work any career you want with no salary limits or checkups into what career you actually work. My brother has been part of a few officer involved shootings but I think the police union invokes HIPAA or some other bullshit to stop an inquiry into his disability status at the VA. They probably don’t even fucking know. And he pays ZERO property taxes too with his half a million dollar house because of his disability status. It fucking pisses me off that he is so stupid about Trump yet he is sucking on the government tit way more than people on “traditional” welfare.
  16. Did Mack’s golf balls have Sark’s face painted on them?
  17. My brother is a Trumper and a vet, and he actually read Project 2025 and was concerned about his benefits potentially being cut. But he also trusted Trump 100% when Trump said he had nothing to do with Project 2025 and still voted for him. I think this is even worse than not reading Project 2025 at all. As of today, none of his benefits have been cut. He gets 100% disability benefits as a PTSD survivor of the War in Afghanistan and his multiple tours in Iraq. What I don’t understand is how he can get full 100% disability payments monthly, yet he’s still allowed to work a civilian job in a police department when he is considered 100% disabled by the VA. It’s not like he’s pushing papers at a desk either, he’s out there as a patrol officer arresting people while getting his 100% disability checks from the VA while also collecting his salary from the police department.
  18. I’m sure you’d say the first stringer with a torn oblique pounded you better.
  19. Isla Mujeres is about to become a haven for Tik Tok women with bare midriffs and jacked up bros with money to throw around while treating the locals like shit. I can’t imagine these people in golf carts filming their content instead of focusing on the road. Doomed.
  20. Ron should make a statement against the Tate fuckers while wearing those white go-go boots to suck all the air out of the news cycle and make a fierce scene condemning his state becoming an international rape haven for the accused.
  21. We are gonna need a Pawxicology test on the remaining dogs ASAP to rule them out as suspects.
  22. So is Gordie Howe back to being #1 or was he MAGA too?
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