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Everything posted by MrBig

  1. You’re applauding our 3rd year starting QB for having the composure to throw the ball out of bounds to avoid a sack he nearly caused by tripping over himself. Then you throw the lineman under the bus by saying he tripped Quinn. There is never any accountability for Quinn’s poor play if everyone is just blowing smoke up his ass all the time.
  2. Quinn stumbled over his own feet. He was getting a fuckton of pressure but let’s not make shit up now. You can see in the video that Quinn’s feet never come in contact with anything.
  3. 300 pounds ago this guy was watching VY and Colt in 05 and 09 so he knows good QB play when he sees it. But he’ll never admit that watching Quinn is the first time he’s never paid to see some pussy.
  4. I finally saw the whole clip and I don’t think he realizes he’s even doing the blow job with the mic. This could be the straw that breaks the homophobes backs.
  5. I think Elon fucked this up for Trump the way Showgirls fucked up Elizabeth Berkeley’s acting career.
  6. Sounds bad for Moss to have to get a cart.
  7. This is the first presidential election since the Insurrection. Trump lost a shitload of Regan Republicans that day and it’s going to show on Tuesday.
  8. I wrote this in the other thread but I think Michelle is abusive as fuck. That’s why Herman liked to play mind games with the team like burning their food because he didn’t have any power at home.
  9. That Georgia film review guy said it looked like the defense was tipped off by the OL communication.
  10. That’s not just a “calm down” grab, it’s grabbing and pinching his skin like he’s a fucking child. I bet she’s abusive as fuck and that’s why Herman took pleasure in playing mind games with the team.
  11. He needs to take one of these to lock down the Millennial vote
  12. I used to be against universal income but after realizing how many tax breaks billionaires get and how they get free stadiums and tax abatements and all that shit, fuck it let’s do it. And have it for every person. Even rich people. And those who bitch about it ruining the economy can donate their share back into the pot to pay for everyone else. And all this shit will be funded by massive tax increase on billionaires. Of course I’m living in fantasy land.
  13. This is probably the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen him do.
  14. Some Chili’s will be experiencing Winner Wednesday while others will experience Wipe Your Tears Wednesday.
  15. Someone said Biden should have called them pieces of shit and now I’m laughing every time I see a garbage bag.
  16. The video shows some Michigan and Vandy TDs, but the majority of the footage is from last year.
  17. Quinn just has to play he’s Colt McCoy in Sam’s body with a sprinkle of Vince’s running ability and we’ll stop complaining about shit like his footwork.
  18. I don’t get why Doc couldn’t just tell Marty about the Rolls Royce accident if he was ok with interfering in the Marty Jr and Griff thing to change the future.
  19. If Quinn could run and be accurate like Shane Buechele in 2016, we would be unstoppable. Shane’s accuracy was incredible despite getting sacked 31 times that year. Quinn has the talent but it’s up to Sark to teach him the skills to develop further.
  20. This is all I think about when I see footage of them in court but it’s hard to explain to people who haven’t seen the movie.
  21. Has this been posted? This video seems like it was made by someone who doesn’t live in the United States.
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