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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chico_SA

  1. Paper Tiger now. In fact, last time Midtown and I ran into Chris Penn, mentioned above, we were at the Tripping Daisy show at Paper Tiger.
  2. I do a combination of mowing/mulching in the backyard, and in the front, blowing into the street, then against my own curb where I pick them up.
  3. Yeah, I think I recall one of your posts making me think we are right across Bandera from each other.
  4. Me - 88 , Midtown - 89 I know there are several more. My wife was 93. Not sure if I want to know if you know her : ) Dad still lives up on Seneca in Leon Valley, and after living in Austin for a few years, I came back to my roots and live back in the Marshall/O'Connor area. It's home. Marshall is still one of those old school SA high schools where everyone knows someone from either their time there, or someone in their family's time there.
  5. Since this is an SA thread, and we have been talking about music, here is a post from Tim DeLaughter of Tripping Daisy. Chris was at SA Marshall with me, Midtown, and I'm sure some others from here back in the day. This is one of those posts that you don't want to make, but here we are. Some of you may have heard that our beloved Chris Penn was in an accident. In true CP-fashion, he was working at Good Records taking down the advertising decals on the front window, the decal unexpectedly gave way and he fell backwards landing directly on his back. As you may or may not know, Chris has been dealing with back and spine issues for quite sometime now. He had a surgery on his neck from a fall last year, and at that time, they discovered that he had Ankylosing Spondylitis and Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (OPLL). What all that means is he has very little space in his spinal canal and his spine has fused together, limiting his mobility. All that said, the fall was catastrophic for him. His spinal cord was bruised and paralysis was immediate from the neck down... I know. It's a lot to take in… I know. This happened on Monday around 11am. We've been in ICU since... As you can imagine, the world stopped and from that moment on it has been about Chris and what his future will look like. He is stable at this time and being monitored around the clock. There are short term goals we're trying to reach under difficult circumstances and obviously limited by what his body will allow. It's going to be a long road ahead with many challenges along the way, and we're just getting started. We're talking about Chris Penn here, a pillar of our community and a freaking force of nature with everything he does. I will tell you this, one of the first things he discussed through nodding his head at letters until a word was spelled was "order" as in order Charlie Crockett Records for the in-store this weekend? He nodded “yes,” and then instructed us on the quantity needed. That pretty much sums him up, so be sure to show up for that in-store Saturday. We’ve got some records to sell. Realizing we've just dumped a lot of heavy info on you and you're probably riddled with questions and concerns, know this… he is in stable condition at the moment and in very good care. Currently, we are focused on getting his intubation tube removed so that he can start the journey of breathing without assistance. That's where we are and that's the first step of many to come. I give you this latest information and will try to give updates on a need-to-know basis. Please refrain from reaching out directly to Jennifer or myself for updates, as we are 100% dedicated to Chris at this time. A lot of things are happening quickly, and the pressure to respond distracts us from our main focus of getting Chris the care he needs. I'm sure you understand. Again since we're in ICU, no visitors are allowed at this time. There will be a time for that down the road, but not now. We know Chris is loved by many and I’m sure it will be well documented in the comments of this post (which we will make sure to share with him). If there are offers to help in any way, we will be informed by the person monitoring this post. We are starting a GoFundMe as Chris, Jennifer and the boys (Oliver, Archie and Grover) will need our help. There will also be a link for a MealTrain if you would like to help in that way as well. Please send your prayers and positive thoughts towards Chris and his family as we navigate his road to recovery. peace https://www.gofundme.com/.../join-us-to-support-the-penn... https://mealtrain.com/63wzg8
  6. Dude.. you just don't know shit about San Antonio. It's ok, but just accept it. When a thread about Alamo Ranch or some other lame suburb of SA pops up, have at it. That seems to be your speciality.
  7. Glad its going well. I'm not sure if its bit, but yeah, please do the opposite of what Helo says. I don't get out as much anymore (family and such) but your itenerary looks great, and I'm taking some notes for when my wife and I can get out again.
  8. I was a SOCOM guy back in the day. I bounced around between COD and Battlefield over the last 15 years and have enjoyed playing, but I really started getting sick of stupid stuff like turning into plasma when killed and players running around with idiotic outfits. I hate that zombie shit. I was never a run and gun kind of player. I started playing Hell Let Loose this past weekend and I'm really enjoying it. It's hard, but I love that you need to communicate to be succesful. I guess that's sort of like the old SOCOM games. Trying to learn the maps as a Medic. It's going to be a steep learning curve, but players online seem to be pretty cool to everyone for the most part.
  9. You saw who it was right? And downtown is "too far", so stay around (checks notes) Alamo Ranch? Lol... Yeah, this is not how to promote San Antonio.
  10. Finally made it over to SA Fredericksburgers. Pretty damn good. It's right by home, so we will definitely be going back. Just did a regular cheesburger, but planning on getting the Roadrunner next time.
  11. But only kind of... like sort of regional variation...if it works...
  12. Good luck to all of you all. Baseball seems like such a grind. But I loved the process for my kids. I made sure my kids could throw a baseball when they were little. They actually did well with the bat. But throwing was the most important thing with regard to other sports. As a High School and Club coach, I'm amazed at how poorly some young athletes(mostly boys) can throw. It's sadly obvious when I see kids whos dads didnt got out to throw balls with them. It's all about water polo for my kids now, and they both have arms. I have to credit to getting out in the back yard to just throw.
  13. One of my favorite travel pics. In 99 I took my new Jeep(still have her, and she only has about 130,000 miles) on a 3 week solo road trip. New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. Vistited lots of parks and camped along the way, but stayed at my Aunt and Uncles in Missoula before turning around. Just a great town and area. My Aunt took this as I was about to head off to Yellowstone. They loved their Samoyed dogs.
  14. Man... I wanted to get up there this summer on a road trip, but not sure I have that much time. My Aunt is up there and haven't been back since 2015. Have a blast. As my late uncle would say..."It's Beautiful...." I'll reach out to my cousin to see he if has any any input on bars and restaurants. He lives in Revelstoke, BC, but gets down to see his mom often.
  15. Not trying to be a smart ass, but yeah, advanced Alzeheimers probably means that. He could probably "use" one, but he never "knew" he needed to. And if you have lived with it, experienced it, it's pretty easy to understand that scenario.
  16. Alzheimers man.. he probably wondered around the house for days not realizing she was dead. He didn't find her...she was his caregiver.
  17. Hell, in 88-89, the Co-Op was selling LOTS of blue and various other colored Texas shirts.
  18. Awe shit. I told my wife when me got married, overalls were going to be one of my first purchases as a married man, and by god they were. Dickies overalls and red wing boots are my weekend attire around the yard/house. When I get older, I'm moving on to the zip up seersucker ones. Never have to worry about pulling my pants up when I'm working in the yard. Do it! You will never go back!
  19. I need to figure out this whole 2 Division thing. Harlan couldn't hang with Brennan this season, but they are also on the cusp of a State Championship. I guess good for them, but too many winners in my opinion. Brennan has won everyting easily this year. Our only loses were to two teams up in DC during a pre-season tournament. I'm hoping they come out strong and not complacent. Kingston is one of my students. Great, confident kid. But again, Brennan has some other kids. I really like Juniors Donavan Criss and Isiah Ward. Isiah gets extra love from me because he came out to support our Water Polo teams!
  20. SA Brennan back in the final four. When the kids were Sophmores, they lost by 2 to Beaumont United in the State Semis. Last year was a last second loss to Stoney Point off a Stoney Point 3 in the Regional Finals. Brennan goes up against Bellaire and Duke signee Shelton Anderson. Kingston Flemmings is the guy, but Brennan has a strong group of dudes around him. Hopefully this is their year.
  21. Chico_SA

    My dog died

    I've only had one dog in my life. I had never heard about the Rainbow Bridge poem before I had to let my Chela go. Someone shared it with me, and It still brings me peace 10 years later. Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown...
  22. Took a couple of kids to 6A State Championships this weekend. As always, Texas HS swimmers didn't dissapoint. Maximus Williamson from Keller set a National record in the 200 Free in Prelims with a 1:32.63. He was cruising. Dropped time to 1:30.46 in Finals. I hear he is going to swim at Virginia...... It was a great meet as always. As an old former swimmer, I'm amazed at how big these kids are nowadays. Maybe it was High School cockiness and I wasn't intimidated or feelling small when I was there way back in the day... but damn these kids tower over me now.
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  23. I used to go there often for their Dinner Parties when they had them. We would break plates and all that. Once got a piece of flying plate stuck in my leg. The Belly Dancers were fun also. Really good food. I need to get back as it's been many many years and I didn't even realize they were still around.
  24. Thought I had a disaster on my hands last night. When I added my stock (homemade) to the roux, the mix got all lumpy and slimy. That had never happened to me before, but I did darken my roux more than usual. I decided to crank it up to boil for a short time, and that evened everything out. Turned out to be a pretty good batch. So I guess it was a temperature issue with the roux and stock?
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