I get it, but this "military as Republican thing" is just odd to me.
I was visiting my parents tonight. My mom was disgusted with Republicans as she has been lately, and I asked "You used to vote Republican right? My first election memories were Carter/Ford but mom claims they have always voted Democratic. I was surprised because I assumed their military background (Dad was actually Army Air Corp in 46) would steer them a certain way. It was actually really refreshing to know that wasn't the case. I think so many of these military men and women don't think for themselves.
When I was at Annapolis in 88, one of the things I remember the most was how much this California kid in my company got abused for saying he supported Dukakis. Upper classman made him walk around with a Peace Sign taped to his uniform, and it was supposed to be funny. It always struck me as odd, but as an 18 year old in that environment, I didn't realize how fucked up it was.