Boys or Girls? Ages? As a side job/passion, I currently train a U19 Boys team in SA. For disclosure, I brought my team over to Lonestar SA this year from a smaller club, but Lonestar SA is run separately from the Austin mother ship and I have no allegiance to them. Been with this boys team since they were U 16. I've also worked with several girls teams from U10 to U15 age ranges, Rec to Premier. I would have to disagree on Rangers being "more select". There have been some good teams. Same with Liverpool. Westlake has some solid but not spectacular boys team. Small environment would be nice I'm sure. However, the TOP teams at Lonestar in Austin are in my experience, are head and shoulders better than most Austin club teams I've coached against. However, I've also faced off against some low quality Lonestar teams.
I have easy access to team rankings and records for most clubs. You can PM me ages and I would be happy to do a little research for you.