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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chico_SA

  1. Lulz. This confirms exactly what you quoted and lulzed.
  2. I really just wish he would keep that damn mouthpiece in. I hate that shit.
  3. DKR Navy-Marine Corp Memorial Stadium Annapolis Memorial Stadium Lincoln - 1998 Cotton Bowl Holiday Bowl (Not sure if that counts) Spartan Stadium MSU Alamodome
  4. King William Fair last weekend. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Lots of BETO signs at houses in King William during the Fiesta King William fair. I believe he is making an appearance at one of the homes in about 30 mins.
  6. Got you. Not a bad thing, especially if the kids are pretty young and the trainers are good.
  7. Boys or Girls? Ages? As a side job/passion, I currently train a U19 Boys team in SA. For disclosure, I brought my team over to Lonestar SA this year from a smaller club, but Lonestar SA is run separately from the Austin mother ship and I have no allegiance to them. Been with this boys team since they were U 16. I've also worked with several girls teams from U10 to U15 age ranges, Rec to Premier. I would have to disagree on Rangers being "more select". There have been some good teams. Same with Liverpool. Westlake has some solid but not spectacular boys team. Small environment would be nice I'm sure. However, the TOP teams at Lonestar in Austin are in my experience, are head and shoulders better than most Austin club teams I've coached against. However, I've also faced off against some low quality Lonestar teams. I have easy access to team rankings and records for most clubs. You can PM me ages and I would be happy to do a little research for you.
  8. Um... Chester Nimitz?
  9. UTSA Spring Game Fiesta theme Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. There is! Awesome catch bud. You're doing great work guy. Back to Kawhi. It would have been nice for him to show a presence. I thought he was that kind of guy, but oviously not.
  11. I would have loved for him to be there to support the team. I imagine his posse could help him do his therapy routines in California. HIs slightly disturbing Affect is getting old(concerning) and isn't charming anymore. He just doesn't seem invested in this team so I would rather him get lost.
  12. He's talking about his older parents who are tired of dealing with the game day. No surprise. It happens.
  13. I'm hoping for UTSA to steal a win from an unprepared ASU on 9/1
  14. Nah... Geeks and Nerds end up being some of the coolest folks after high school. These are the kids that no one wants to associate with LATER in life.
  15. Soak it all in. Sure the RiverWalk will be packed but that's part of the Final Four experience. Pop into different places for a drink. Someone mentioned Floore Store. Nah, sorry to disagree, as someone else mentioned it will probably be more packed than downtown. Midtown mentioned Alamo Brewery and Pearl. These two plus Southtown for changes of pace. But again, I would just hang around the River, Convention Center, including Alamo Street where the live music is. There is a reason San Antonio has hosted several large events.
  16. I'm going to participate this time....
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