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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chico_SA

  1. exclusion = defense ejection for 20 seconds. Sort of like hockey. Player goes into a penalty "box" and the offense is up one man for a short time. Some of us old school water polo players think its weird that the commentators say "power play", but if that makes it easier for newbies to undertand then I'm ok with it.
  2. Because Oscar Mayer has a way....?
  3. Tough loss for the women. They were really executing well throught the game. A couple of really nice 6 on 5 goals and they were gettin the Ausies excluded a lot. I really didn't like the last time out exection. They didn't seem to do much. They should have at least been driving to draw an exclusion and extend the shot clock, but they seemed to crap out when the initial play fell apart. Go get the bronze ladies!
  4. Same - Boys Don't Cry
  5. Lucinda Williams Essence
  6. The Clash Radio Clash
  7. Quote and give your opinion, and start with a new band if you desire. I'll start with New Order True Faith.
  8. Big Win today for Men. Strong Penalty Shot performance to get them to the Semifinals. Women up tomorrow.
  9. Yep. I was going to edit my post to mention that. Hell, a couple more blocks and you can hit up Penners for a custom Guayabera!
  10. No... It's by San Pedro Creek Project. So think old Fox Tech High School area. Graham Weston and his group have been buying up property Not far from Bill Miller Headquarters...
  11. Meh... this years 100 Breaststroke Final was slow. The guy has gone under 58 from a flat start many times.
  12. Yep. Third Quarter was rough. They needed to make an extra one or two passes before settling for so many outside shots. Hopefully they get it together before the next game.
  13. Solid start. Men tomorrow vs Italy at 8am
  14. Men's Team includes 18 year old Ryder Dodd. https://olympics.com/en/news/usa-water-polo-announces-mens-squad-for-paris-2024 These ladies are going to kick some ass https://usawaterpolo.org/news/2024/4/25/mens-senior-national-team-usa-water-polo-launches-inspiring-campaign-with-olympic-games-less-than-100-days-away.aspx And they have Flavor Flav on their side. Old Video, but Ashleigh Johnson is back in goal, and one of my favorite players.
  15. I knew I would be gone all weekend so I purchased and downloaded on my way back from California. Stayed up way to late last night. I accidently went into an online game and got my ass kicked so bad, the other guy bailed. I'm not good at all.
  16. Hah. That was Newport Beach playing Mission B. Mission B came back a little, but Newport Beach ended up winning the whole thing, beating Mission A in the final.
  17. Took an 18U boys team to play at Junior Olympics in the Bay Area. Great experience and some incredible game play. Our boys got beat pretty bad by SOCAL, but the other 7 games were competitive. Won 3 and lost the other 4 all within 2 goals. Beautiful High School venues and of course Stanford was the highlight.
  18. Heading home from coaching Junior Olympic Water Polo in the area. Didn’t get to do anything outside of coaching, but really enjoyed seeing some of the area. One of the main things I was impressed with was the high schools in the area. Really nice, and their on campus pools are incredible. Would love to roll out of the classroom and onto the deck to coach. And of course, Stanford
  19. I know I probably missed the conversation. Can't play until next week, so I was just going to wait for a hard copy anyway. Any benefit one way or the other, digital/hard copy?
  20. Not sure that is the point, nor the concern...
  21. I may have missed something in someones explaination, but my choice has nothing to do with 'moral superiority'. I just enjoy pulling for a win. I understand where the others are coming from. Hopefully more wins to come.
  22. Chico_SA

    USMNT 2024

    So very petty I know, but I'm thrilled I don't have to see him walking around in that stupid STATES t-shirt anymore
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