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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Chico_SA

  1. I'm VERY happy we are moving on. But I wouldn't change my vote to win. This is a time that things shook out as they should.
  2. Been in our house for 6 years. Started with Spectrum, but now use GFiber for Internet and TV. No home phone. I know exactly where the GFiber cable runs into the house, but I have old cables everywhere outside the house and some exposed cables in the ground. Also old boxes just looking useless on the side of the house. I want to just get rid of them all. Do I need to call ATT and Time Warner to have them come clean it up, or can I just start cutting? Will I ever need this stuff again? Maybe for home secuirty, etc?
  3. My High School team traveled up to Round Rock from SA last year for a weekeday game, so if your son was playing, I coached against hiim. You guys had a strong ODP player I coached as part of my USA Water Polo coaching. RR boys handled mine pretty easily. Our girls took care of business. I reached out to Coach A about heading back up this year but I haven't heard back.
  4. Man... this song. I was mesing around on the piano and this melody came back to me. I remember playing the hell out of Diva, especially this song. I can't even remember what exacly was going on in my life ( trying to finish my degree after way to much messing around).
  5. fell asleep several times. I don't think I need to watch anymore, but I'll probably try one more episode. At least the other series have filled in the timeline.
  6. Been slowly getting her back into shape. I had a stuck door latch that I replaced and now the passenger door is actually functional. Never a daily driver. In fact, at my recent inspection I checked mileage and had only driven 3000 miles from January 23 until May. Tires were VERY old so I finally got some new ones today. Replacing stereo this weekend. Having a blast driving her again. 99 and I'm the orignal owner. 134,000 miles.
  7. Hah Hah. Reminds me of this guy I know. Early during the Obama administration, his son was a senior and he told me he was applying to the Air Force Academy. I offered to set him up with a conversation with a recent AFA grad. A few months later I asked and offered again. This time he said. "oh, he isn't going to try anymore. He doesn't want to serve under this Commander in Chief....." Ended up going to atm
  8. Subscribed. Thinking of doing the same. Freeze and snow years ago killed some large shrubs on the side of the house so I tore them out. Turns out they were helping with the water flow off the roof on that side. Since then, lots of runoff and erosion. Need to get some gutters on the side and thinking of running them into a tank which will be located right by our garden area.
  9. https://hikingguy.com/hiking-trails/grand-canyon-hikes/hike-the-shoshone-point-trail/
  10. There is a nice off the beaten path overlook called Shoshone Point. You park your car and hike to it (not sure if that makes it a no-go), but we only saw a few people on the path, and less than ten at the point. My then fiance and I stayed at a Bed and Breakfast in Flagstaff and then made it a day trip on New Years eve 2011. I proposed to her at the Point, so it holds a special place with us.
  11. I'm wondering how excited the friends of the ones who "skipped the line" are? I wonder if they had parties and talked about how excited they are to be US citizens. They were all sworn in. Great for them. Congratulations.
  12. Chico_SA

    Worst covers

    Well, my athletes make fun of me when I struggle to find playlists, but then inevitably they like my pandora stations. So I guess not.
  13. Chico_SA

    Worst covers

    I get it, but man.. I guess it's the catchy part that makes it hard for me. New Order is my favorite band, and I think Love Vigalentes was one of the songs that really hooked me with them after being exposed to Blue Monday and The Beach in the early 80's. I feel like I had an EP with Love Vigalantes on one side, but now I can't find it. I remember listening to it over and over when I was in high school and wondering why a song with these lyrics was so catchy. I think you are spot on, it's the melody. But this version just doesn't work for me.
  14. Chico_SA

    Worst covers

    Good lord. Sitting outside having a cigar and this came on my Pandora (yes I'm old) station. Ugh.. Need to cleanse my ears.
  15. Really looking forward to this. Used to really be the only game I played. I also remember my first experience playing against someone online. I was probably in my 30's I was playing at Texas and some kid from California played me as USC. He proceeds to kick my ass, heckling me sayinig "Texas.,Texas...". Then, from the somewhere in the room his mom starts asking him spelling questions. Some 6 year old was crushing me.... I was building a UTSA dynasty before UTSA football existed. Turns out my uniform ideas were pretty close to what they use sometimes.
  16. We did Gartenfest at Beethoven Maennorchor again this year. Hadn't been in a few years, but I think it's my favorite fiesta event. Just laid back, and lots of seating available in the beer garden. Good music and food. Although beer is damn expensive. I think for Fiesta, its that event and maybe King William from here on out.
  17. Bijou was "Date #1" on my then fiance and mines choice board. We almost always ended up there. Usually with a stop at Fujiya (rip) before or after.
  18. Second one came around later in the day. Yeah, pretty cool to see them hanging around and taking flight. I wish my neighbor was a little more subtle with his leftover feedings.
  19. I know we have had a couple of Hawks in our neighborhood for a while now. Hard to get a picture of them. But just had this guy in my neighbors yard. Crested Caracara Falcon?
  20. I’m also on this team Whoops. I didn’t realize I wasn’t at the end of the thread. Sorry about that.
  21. oh lord. But honestly, prep wasnt bad for me. Sort of looked at it as a "cleansing if you will".
  22. Aint no thing. Seriously I have no memory of the procedure from when they said "we are going to give you some meds" to when they said "your wife is here to pick you up"
  23. ehhhh... may need to check on some possible genetic predospositions first
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