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Certifiably Surly
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Zonahorn last won the day on July 29 2024

Zonahorn had the most liked content!


8086 Surly 1%

About Zonahorn

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  1. Bear down No
  2. https://theonion.com/democratic-leaders-stand-real-still-in-hopes-no-one-notices-them/
  3. Mood https://youtu.be/dxytyRy-O1k?si=DVaTtnyz6zpKjZgI
  4. Somebody send Schumer a giant bag of dicks
  5. They're fucking morons and think their agenda is popular.
  6. Knowing these people, what they mean is wE jUSt HAvE a DiFfErENt VerSIOn oF AutHorItARiaN
  7. Leopards eatings faces
  8. Bold of you to assume they won’t deport citizens
  9. Trump is going to deport Hispanics, legal or not.
  10. Can’t help Hispanic men voting for their deportation, or young white men trying to enforce a gender hierarchy.
  11. Just keep your head down and hope you survive.
  12. This wasn’t a candidate or party issue, the electorate failed their civic duty this time. There is nothing anybody can do about it.
  13. A problem that will solve itself
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