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Certifiably Surly
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Zonahorn last won the day on July 29 2024

Zonahorn had the most liked content!


8079 Surly 1%

About Zonahorn

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  1. Knowing these people, what they mean is wE jUSt HAvE a DiFfErENt VerSIOn oF AutHorItARiaN
  2. Leopards eatings faces
  3. Bold of you to assume they won’t deport citizens
  4. Trump is going to deport Hispanics, legal or not.
  5. Can’t help Hispanic men voting for their deportation, or young white men trying to enforce a gender hierarchy.
  6. Just keep your head down and hope you survive.
  7. This wasn’t a candidate or party issue, the electorate failed their civic duty this time. There is nothing anybody can do about it.
  8. A problem that will solve itself
  9. The Hispanic men and women who helped Trump win the presidency are going to get deported, amazing.
  10. Well, the off-year elections and mid-terms are going to be like D+20
  11. I would have expected self-preservation to kick in, but I guess not. It is going to be darkly ironic when they get deported after voting for him.
  12. Looking at the early data, Latino men just gave Trump the white house and every swing state. I... don't know what to say.
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