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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zonahorn

  1. The tweet I posted has the numbers that changed, TLDR is good for Kamala. Agedep is the polling that had 18-29 voters going for Trump and 65+ going to Biden this year. That’s complete horseshit, no answer aside from NYT being trash.
  2. All fun and games until the claymore Roomba shows up
  3. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2020/arizona/ Biden around 50 and Trump in the mid 40s. Of course, this ended up being wrong. However, polling has been a shit show this year, and Harris has been the candidate for a couple days. I would wait on polling until after VP pick, convention, Trump’s sentencing, and the rate cuts.
  4. Moved to Arizona from Mandeville after getting Dennis, Ivan, Katrina, Rita, Gustav and a close up view of Ike going by in the gulf. I also have family in Florida.
  5. Allegheny is going to be like 70-30 for Harris. Some of the largest leftward shifts in the country recently.
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