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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zonahorn

  1. First, be careful with Politico. Second, an important caveat: if President Joe Biden steps aside
  2. UPDATE: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4780848-mullin-says-teamsters-chief-apologized-after-confrontation-at-senate-hearing/ Bye SOB
  3. Polarization isn't some buzzword, it is political law. Vote blue no matter who, or could shoot somebody on 5th ave aren't just slogans.
  4. He has publicly released his yearly check-ups and released daily updates about his COVID case. What else do you want to see?
  5. She is on the ticket. State elections and Federal elections are not the same thing. All elections are about winning the election. Biden is going to win every swing state No, polarization guarantees Biden will win the popular vote. It also means people will get fired up for voting against Donald Trump. I would recommend everybody tune out the news until the election. The media has a vested interest in Donald Trump getting elected, and are not coming to help.
  6. Does trying to force out the incumbent president help that?
  7. We'll see who the locals endorse, my hunch is that he is cooked. Its hot and big brown is big brown, you know how it goes. I'm down in Tucson, would never consider Phoenix.
  8. Also fucking black voters over and telling them to get over it by skipping Harris. The Democratic party dies as a national party if it happens. Thankfully, it won’t: Biden saving Democrats from themselves.
  9. Guys, the fascists. They are standing RIGHT THERE.
  10. The floated alternative by the Anti-Biden crowd are a mini-primary blitz followed by a committee choosing a candidate at the convention to be chaired by Oprah, Taylor Swift, Obama, or Hilary (SERIOUSLY, STOP LAUGHING) or a contested convention where the donors and party elite get to pick (FUCK OUR VOTERS EL-OH-EL). So, no, it isn't jumping out of a car or falling off a cliff. It's jumping out of a car into a spike pit because your passengers are screaming there might be a cliff ahead.
  11. Update from the Teamsters: I’m grateful for the UPS contract we got, but playing footsie with fascists isn’t something I can support. Will be voting against SOB in the next round of union elections.
  12. Pelosi and Schumer have always granted congressional and senatorial Democrats the ability to campaign as they see fit in order to win. Something Jefferies has continued. Congressional Democrats have their blessing to do whatever they think it takes to win their election. As for former speaker Pelosi herself: https://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/nancy-pelosi-slams-new-york-times-they-make-up-news/57034/ Senator Schumer: I thought I saw something about the former speaker saying representative Schiff’s announcement was news to her, but I can’t find it right. I’ll add it later if I do
  13. Look at this shit: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/a-ticket-we-can-win-on-jeffries-reverses-course-on-biden-ouster-calls/ar-BB1qiafa?ocid=BingNewsVerp He publicly reversed his private position, and it was definitely his private position, trust me bro
  14. Do you trust what the media is saying? Unless they directly say it, the media suggesting that isn’t worth the paper it gets printed on.
  15. I was responding to the second part of your post referring to CNN suggesting they talk to campaigns, not the article. Sorry for the mix up.
  16. Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and Jeffries support president Biden. Believing anything else is a level of trust the media doesn’t deserve. That includes their polling, which does not reflect reality.
  17. Biden has gotten backing for this fight from the Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, the DNC and its chair, progressive caucus and his voters. Like, He’s also the incumbent president. Opposing him are the worst media in American history and wealthy donors with ulterior motive to get him replaced.
  18. That was me, I feel confident Biden will get re-elected with ~350 electoral votes. The polls are wrong. The answer is run on Biden’s accomplishments and economy, and Trump being unelectable. That I 100% agree with. The past 3 weeks have been incomprehensible. Get in line and beat the fucking fascists.
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