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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zonahorn

  1. Yes they will, Joe Biden will win independents and double haters
  2. Biden has been a gaffe machine for years, find a new slant
  3. Far from the DOOOOOOOM about president Biden being down eleventy billion and having -30 approval ratings
  4. Ah, a bunch of elected Democrats don’t understand they are dealing with facism
  5. Agree, Democrats need to stop drip-feeding “well maybe we DO replace him” to the press and get to work.
  6. https://news.northeastern.edu/2024/07/09/biden-debate-performance-voter-preferences/ https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/s32r38vj3sct3kkrijoyw/CHIP50-REPORT-105-DEBATE-2024.pdf?rlkey=nq301dg3j6bdqt42o67eo74nb&e=2&dl=0 Just injecting some positivity into the doom, don't mind me
  7. Yes, watching things get more painful and worse is fun though. I think this is the first time they’ve had to ration gas.
  8. TLDR: Russia is starting the process of rationing gas and electricity, how long can the Russian people tolerate it?
  9. The Republican Parties’ platform ladies and gentlemen:
  10. Thomas is 76, Alito is 74, and Sotomayor is 70. She’s also a diabetic.
  11. Codifying Roe V Wade, passing the John Lewis VRA, replacing Alito/Thomas, and possibly Sotomayor, with progressives, ending trickle down economics, deregulation, and tax cuts for the 1%, continued support for Ukraine and NATO, and continued transition to renewable energy and limiting global warming to 1.5-2ºC. In addition, Trump not getting re-elected means Alito/Thomas/Sotomayor don’t get replaced with disgusting, and regressive Federalist freaks, and 1,000 of the other nightmarish policies the Heritage Foundation cooks up don’t get made law. Finally, ensuring that Trump doesn’t install himself or the theocratic/anarchocapitalist/autocratic/neonazi criminals he surrounds himself with into power permanently. Anybody else can certainly chime in on something they feel like I missed.
  12. The only shred of data suggesting this is media polling.
  13. ITT a whole lot of people forgetting that polarization works both ways
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