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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zonahorn

  1. I have no fucking clue what's happening in the SoS race
  2. But Trafalgar says WA senate and NY governor are within a couple points!
  3. Recon flew over Cuba, pressure is 947. Winds are going to start cranking when Ian gets back over water.
  4. Arizona now under a total abortion ban. Fucking hell
  5. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/09/kyrsten-sinema-approval-rating-equally-unpopular-everyone.html Glorious
  6. Indeed, the GQP senses the danger given how much they're dumping against him, again.
  7. Bump, also if O'Halleran survives, holy fuck.
  8. On mobile so I can’t quote, the TLDR is Republican operative is really mad at McConnell for pulling funding in Arizona. There’s also some really laughable comments about Senator Kelly being vulnerable.
  9. https://www.wsj.com/articles/peter-thiel-losing-arizona-blake-masters-funding-gop-super-pac-inflation-power-voters-republicans-filibuster-11663280414?page=1 Weapons grade copium from the WSJ
  10. The ballot initiative for voting rights got thrown out by the Arizona Supreme Court. The initiative received 475,000 signatures, and the court just so happened to void enough signatures to keep it off the ballot. We’re also going to get stuck with a total abortion ban because of a trigger law written when Arizona was a territory.
  11. You are losing the senate and house. Go crawl back into your hole.
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