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Everything posted by EuroHorn

  1. Now that Texas and Oklahoma are moving to the SEC I’m sure OK State will indeed recruit in Afghanistan.
  2. Oh come on, they’ve moved on to wishing death. Such a pleasant and well rounded group of people in the cloak room!
  3. A dog that can negotiate for 15 years sounds like a great dog
  4. You were the moron who completely lied about what happened with kid being shot in Chicago. Just “turnaround” and walk away dingleberry.
  5. Düsseldorf is a pretty cool city to hang out in and it’s just 20 minutes by train from Cologne. I lived there for a year in the Hafen right next to the Rhine River. A lot of good beer drinking spots along the Rhine and in the Altstadt
  6. Damn, the hood is worth 25% of that dress
  7. Thanks for the memories! Good luck!
  8. Wonder if we’ll still keep our home and home schedule with Georgia (2028/2029) and Alabama (2022/2023)
  9. Bears would have been good too
  10. I guess moving from Louisiana wasn’t such a good idea.
  11. Did anyone mention these horrible uniforms?
  12. One Moors pride month?
  13. Weather radar showing some major storms hitting Omaha right around 7-8pm
  14. I had a friend that graduated from Bill and the Bitch…
  15. Hopefully our bats will come alive.
  16. We can only hope that vandy is eliminated on Wednesday
  17. Had roasted sprouts in Kung pao sauce. Was excellent
  18. That picture is from 4 years ago
  19. Damn nice bunt
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