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Everything posted by EuroHorn

  1. Her parents were soybean and corn farmers in Illinois, so she’s probably pretty comfortable in those clothes
  2. Of course they’re lying. Just hard to believe Vernon Jones is also a fan of Chester.
  3. https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/31/politics/ossoff-loeffler-kkk-fact-check/index.html
  4. This was entertaining with a good cast https://youtu.be/GFJuSEO7yx8
  5. So covid is cause of death..,
  6. Bonds typically go down in value or price as interest rates increase. Rule of thumb says they’ll drop in value by the duration of the bond for every 1% increase in interest rates. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/duration.asp Although the fund you bought is a bit more complex as they use leverage and they rebalance between stocks and bonds frequently which is most likely the reason for high turnover. Given that, not sure if the interest rate sensitivity will be as straight forward as a typical bond holding fund as I mentioned previously. If you’re interested, here’s a long thread discussing the fund https://www.bogleheads.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=305950
  7. Keep in mind the bond duration for that fund is about 16 years. So if rates increase 1% then the bonds will decrease by approximately 16%. Something to keep an eye out for.
  8. That fund is not very tax efficient. Turnover is close to 200% so you may not want it in a taxable account
  9. I watched and listened to him a few times. Many times he’d just be playing video games. Other times he’d put on a session showing how to evaluate company’s financial statements. He also would take calls and debate people. It was actually pretty entertaining
  10. He’d broadcast live a lot from periscope and YouTube after they brought charges against him. He had a pretty large following back in the day
  11. I did not know that about the tires on his car. That is sadly interesting. Well that and he was going 80-100 mph on a curvy business park road rated at 45 mph
  12. That’s the guidance you’ll find. But replace whenever you want
  13. Wrong. Replace them. At 6 years. No more than 10 https://www.michelinman.com/howLongTireLast.html
  14. At around 6 years and no greater than 10 years depending on condition should be ok. That’s what most sites on the internet suggest. And the age is based on when they were manufactured and not installed. See the link to tell the age of your tire https://www.tirebuyer.com/education/how-to-determine-the-age-of-your-tires
  15. Voted! In and out of State Farm Arena in about 10 minutes.
  16. Hopefully they’re doing background checks on the tutors and pairing up two tutors per student.
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