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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zavala

  1. Have you never seen him at any of his rallies or anytime he gets out of a plane?
  2. The test was negative. Incredibly negative. The doctors, they actually asked me 'Mr Trump, we've never seen a test so negative. How'd u do it?' Maybe its my diet, or good genes. I dunno. Maybe I am the cure! I dunno...i really don't.
  3. Who's gonna be his VP pick (and obvious replacement) Dude has reverted to a 4 year old getting pissy every time someone confronts him. His mental decline in public is sad.
  4. Interesting isn't it? https://meaww.com/wuhan-coronavirus-warned-2017-lab-wuhan-deadly-diseases-escape-lab-level-4-safety-scientists Wuhan coronavirus: China was warned in 2017 that a deadly virus could escape its level 4 biohazard lab https://www.nature.com/news/inside-the-chinese-lab-poised-to-study-world-s-most-dangerous-pathogens-1.21487 Inside the Chinese lab poised to study world's most dangerous pathogens https://www.who.int/csr/don/2004_05_05/en/ SARS in China: investigation continues – Update 6 https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2004/07/sars-crisis-topples-china-lab-chief SARS Crisis Topples China Lab Chief https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/chinese-researcher-escorted-from-infectious-disease-lab-amid-rcmp-investigation-1.5211567 Chinese researcher escorted from infectious disease lab amid RCMP investigation https://nypost.com/2020/02/22/dont-buy-chinas-story-the-coronavirus-may-have-leaked-from-a-lab/ Don’t buy China’s story: The coronavirus may have leaked from a lab Ever seen this kind of preparation from the other big diseases from China?
  5. Do you believe everything blue check marks say on Twitter?
  6. Is it insane that the NYtimes is presenting not-for-the-public information on a pandemic? Isn't that irresponsible journalism? Oh wait, who am I kidding, it's the NYtimes
  7. Oh, ok? Hope everyone can get out and get some exercise, sun and get plenty of sleep this weekend! Strong immune system is where it's at!
  8. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615360/cdc-cmu-forecasts-coronavirus-spread/ Now the agency is tapping several dozen teams to adapt their techniques to forecast the spread of the coronavirus in an effort to make more informed decisions. Among them is a group at Carnegie Mellon University that, over the last five years, has consistently achieved some of the best results. Last year, the group was designated one of two National Centers of Excellence for Influenza Forecasting and asked to lead the design of a community-wide forecasting process.
  9. lol how many of you guys are praying to Moloch that Trump gets the virus and dies?
  10. Enough people have to get infected to gain the herd immunity that will cause it to go away, enough people who have strengthened their immune systems to keep it down and it will stay down. Probably isn't going to be a vaccine, just like with the common cold, it probably mutates too fast. The issue isn't going to be stopping it, it's slowing it down enough to not overwhelm the infrastructure. Hopefully we decouple from China, because they are threatening to withhold medicines from us, which was the whole point of this article: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/12/us-officials-worried-about-chinese-control-of-american-drug-supply.html
  11. able-ist
  12. You are Boomer'ing me to death keep going @NowThis who are you and why is this nutjob calling me you?
  13. Here's some positivity fuck China, we can make our own ventilators. Students in the US have been competing figuring out how to make cheap portable ones. Surely the US can go back to making our own shit when we really need it. https://phys.org/news/2010-07-students-low-cost-portable-ventilator.html https://news.mit.edu/2019/umbulizer-sloan-health-care-innovation-prize-0225
  14. You/Hugo really got me there Good luck this year
  15. huh https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/12/us-officials-worried-about-chinese-control-of-american-drug-supply.html https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/06/business/economy/trade-war-tariffs.html Interesting how these stories look from today's perspective huh?
  16. If anyone that isn't in the ORANGE MAN BAD club could just be completely banned from all the cloak room that would nice eh? Hilarious echo chamber you've built here, keep it up. It's so progressive and compassionate of you to feel that way. Maybe this is why you keep losing, because you look at your political adversaries like your worst enemies instead of people you need to learn to get along with.
  17. Never been to Russia, don't want to go to a commie country like that. El Salvador yeah, epic surf trip through there Nica and Costa Rica. Didn't share a meal with anyone in their home, but I was also staying in the nice tourist areas on the coast. If El Salvador is so nice, why are people risking their lives and the lives of their children to try and escape through all of Latin America on their way to the US?
  18. Fuck you, I voted for Mickey Mouse. You think Hillary fucking Clinton wouldn't have us in a hot WW3 with China and Russia right now?
  19. this is my clown costume
  20. Probably because people in shit hole countries are really jealous.
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