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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zavala

  1. https://ca.reuters.com/article/topNews/idCAKBN1YA1K6 Canada loses surprise 71,200 jobs in November, unemployment rate jumps to 5.9% US https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/06/us-nonfarm-payrolls-november-2019.html Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000
  2. It's *people of color now, you also have to keep up with the newest trendy language that's the most "inclusive" for these "folks". Also Asians can be mocked (or left out of the minority discussion) relentlessly and nobody bats an eye. The funny thing is the it's the white liberals who get the most upset by all of this shit - not most of the actual melanin rich brothers.
  3. Ah that explains a lot All media figures have to walk on egg shells when talking about race? Or just some people and some races? How about this sports radio host? there's like a million of these:
  4. I thought race was a social construct like gender
  5. Zavala

    The Boys

    Just watched the first ep, pretty good.
  6. No just pointing out sometimes they take the race baiting shit too far and say some totally crazy shit that even Stephen A Smiff was uncomfortable with. Who cares, he was making a valid point about his skin and black uniform disguising the mesh point. It's a good point, as said previously, QBs should wear long sleeve black UA to hide the mesh point if they run the read option and they don't have dark skin. Not racist at all, just seeing that the skin color could potentially provide an advantage in obscuring the view of the ball in the mesh. It's a good point, guys that are being read have a split second to make the decision to slow play, go for the back, or go for the QB. Any of which could get them burned if they choose wrong, and any of which could be harder to read if it's difficult to see the ball with a dark jersey and dark skinned arms. Jesus all these looneys are so uptight about race they don't even care what point you are making, anyone talking about race could be a target to them. I guess he should've spoken in more jargon to be sure to be inclusive to 'folks' who are peoples of colors.
  7. Holy shit I thought he was competent, that was like a JV b team practice lol
  8. Keep Mensa out of it. There's no such thing as "group" playcalling. Create a scheme, gameplan, execute and adjust.
  9. Of course. The two min reports were a fucking joke the past two years in those Rockets playoff games. They literally have a report that supposed to acknowledge mistakes and they use it to spin instead lulz
  10. Yep. Impossible to watch, I do check in for some playoffs every year just to attempt to care lol
  11. I like Scalley. It needs to be somebody who can tell Tom to fuck off and let him handle it. Also, get all new defensive coaches, and stop having two fucking WR coaches and taking away one of the defensive coaches.
  12. Ah yeah, this is the thread. Thanks snacks
  13. Definition of OP
  14. Oh is rapelor run first now?
  15. shit12 conference spelled it wrong
  16. Seahawks macking on Joe Bucks wife
  17. Guaranteed they screwed up and didn't maintain the roof to be able to open and close it...
  19. Damn! Balls out
  20. Bailout flag after bailout flag
  21. A retractable roof that's never open? Yeah they haven't been paying for maintenance and the roof is fucked up, they don't want it to get stuck open.
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