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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zavala

  1. Thanks for answers, I'll continue to flail for your amusement. Trey Gowdy on Biden's speaking: "He looks like a chain smoker filling a gas tank"
  2. Aren't we out of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria?
  3. Ok well let them decide, he's got a good point. Also, will Biden made it to the convention without a huge blunder or a health issue? If so he's the guy right? Who are you voting for @mdmost? Joe Biden? Last questions, are you a boomer? Will you move to Canada if Trump is reelected?
  4. Chew Soap
  5. $$$$ worked for Hilldawg
  6. lulz can't wait to watch them debate, you cant write headlines from the telephone game when they are talking to each other on stage. You should post the actual quotes from Trumps "quotes" you state (they don't exist). Here's some actual quotes from classic Biden gaffs he actually says: "tomorrow is super Thursday" "150 million people have been killed since 2007 when Bernie voted to exempt the gun manufacturer's from liability" "it would put 720 million women back in the workforce" "nobody should be put in jail for a nonviolent crime" "my name is Joe Biden I'm a democratic candidate for the United States Senate" "make sure the television, uh excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night" "poor kids are just as talented just as bright as white kids" "we choose science over fiction, we choose truth over facts" "think about it, we hold these truths to be self evident, all men and women created by uh you know you know the thing" "the man who will be the next president of the United States, Barack America!" "you cannot go to a 7-11 or a duncan donuts, unless you have a slight Indian accent, I'm not joking!"
  7. If he could turn back time
  8. Step 1: call the other guy racist Step 2: promise free shit
  9. Bernie Bros are smart, they went to college! Just didn't get a job to pay off those loans Meanwhile in boomer Biden land the real brains of the DNC: the crazy cat lady
  11. I'm always curious what do the people who didn't take out stupid fucking loans get out of a Bernie Sanders presidency? Increased taxes to pay off other people's loans and "free" shit?
  12. No I'm asking, Bernie Bros gonna claim it's rigged right? Then Biden boomers gonna claim Russia rigs it for Bernie.
  13. Who hired them to do that? Lol Socrates would be proud. Good luck getting any answers out of the NPCs
  14. Bruh if Bernie wins he's gonna get slaughtered by Trump. I mean, I'd be down to watch it, but it's a cruel end to that turds career. Let em ride off into the sunset he's like 80 isn't he?
  15. Any dramatic coin tosses or just plain ole DNC rigging?
  16. This is my favorite sock of yours
  17. Guess it depends on how bad creepy Joe Biden dementia gets lol No matter what, Bernie is a dream
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