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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zavala

  1. Would be really proud to share a conference with undefeated big 12 champ playoff team RAPELOR
  2. Sneaky quickness AKA white guy who runs. Lulz here comes the flags on a normal play. Gonna stop the fun for some targeting. Thought this was only Texas games they call this weak ass BS. Yikes! Takes 2 mins of ref conference and 5 more mins of review. Fun league
  3. This. He's a garbage human. He's probably not even human. He's got that weird neanderthal head shape.
  4. Up until the last drive that's all they had. The defense wasn't great but only gave up 10 points. The offense went 3 and out EVERY FUCKING DRIVE. It was pathetic.
  5. Extremely predictable shit12 game.
  6. It's not just being unlikeable. He's a lier, and he runs dirty programs.
  7. These teams being ranked top 15 is so funny
  8. Lol the turdition of the Rape Line wearing those pee wee practice jerseys is so funny too. Pathetic
  9. Inbred is rocking the short sleeve hoodie with the grey smock like always. What a hilarious conference where the rape cover up team runs the league after two years.
  10. Eat shit. Urban is a fucking turd.
  11. He didn't go into the neutral zone until an offensive linemen jumped. Watch it again. Rig 12 refs just accidentally fucked Texas twice that drive. Golly that's just tough luck they are so "incompetent".
  12. Fuck Urban, if they bring that trash here I'll melt down my class ring and take a shit on the tower steps.
  13. Sneak it in there between some small chickenshit soccer mom issue.
  14. Fuck you, goodbye. t. Texas Alumni who has to sit through this shit even though my favorite football team has been Florida since I was a little kid
  15. Also, Roach didn't jump offsides. Roach moved, didn't go into the neutral zone, then the O linemen jumped. The rig12 refs had another 4 min conference to be sure they "got this right" meaning they were making sure that it wouldn't be too obvious they were gonna fuck us. Watch the replay.
  16. There's huge gaps of other shit that happened, but your point #4 is the game in a nut shell. When we play "not to lose" and try to "hold onto the ball" we go three and out. It's pathetic. That's the game right there. Not scoring or even getting a few first downs the entire first half is what lost the game.
  17. He didn't take a field goal early in the game and called the two most obvious plays on 3rd and 4th down. You can guess the play.
  18. Yeah it's funny how they have to have a big conference after an "offsides" to be sure it's not to obvious when they rig the game.
  19. They moved but weren't even close to offsides until their offensive linemen jumped. Of course any judgement close call is going to go against Texas because rig12
  20. Lulz the offensive linemen moved before anyone was across into the neutral zone by a mile. Yikes. great game for the zebras.
  21. Lulz it wasn't even close the O line moved before any Texas guys were in the neutral zone. Garbage. Shit12 is the most pathetic league because they can't even properly rig a game without it being obvious.
  22. Lulz no way that's on Texas the offensive line moved. How does it take 10 mins to discuss this?
  24. Really sloppily too. Zero (0) times we've been able to draw a hold and I think PI on them as well. Amazing how clean they play lulz.
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