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Everything posted by TexasEx

  1. Well, I've been heavily involved by way of my double digit TexasOne donation so all ya'll motherfuckers can bow down and kiss the ring. You're welcome.
  2. There are no more NLI. Just scholly paperwork and NIL contracts. Either way, ship likely has sailed for this year at least.
  3. It's over, Fasusi to OU.
  4. Yes, air raid guy. At least has been for a long time.
  5. BlowU keeping Bill Bedenbaugh, so Fasusi and his walk on buddy all but sure to stick with land thieves. How could you say no to this face?
  6. He went to bed last night having decided on OUsucks per Gerry on OTF live. Could change I suppose.
  7. Arch fucking Manning is starting next year. We're never punting.
  8. Herry still has about 2 more "Hi's" outstanding, so I'm calling MT3 to Texas later today or tomorrow. Why the fuck not.
  9. Just saw him at the Austin airport. Still wearing all the official visitor gear. Dude is a monster. Legit 6’4”. Family seems nice. Flashed the hook em so basically it’s a done deal.
  10. Texas v. Colorado. 2001 Big 12 Championship. That shit sucked.
  11. Colon Rugg is an insufferable prick who smears all kinds of incindiary drivel all over Twitter. He'll do anyhting for a like or impression. Leave the fucking kid alone to enjoy her cold one, Colon, or what's left of it.
  12. This normally is a fantastic place to stay. Upgrade to the gold rooms and enjoy breakfast, afternoon canapés and evening drinks and snacks. Our kids have not stopped talking about the afternoon candy bar since we stayed there. Hope they sort this out because it is a great property.
  13. Guys, gals, whathaveyou’s — this is my regretful first cr post but I must point out this official social media shit is completely and utterly meaningless advertising drivel that likely was scheduled days or weeks in advance by an intern. There is nothing of value to glean from it. If there is no donor support, and all signs suggest there is none, the cake is fucking baked and Joe is no better off than Chuck F’ing Strong was on November 25, 2016. Bring on the chaos.
  14. Why doesn't someone tell Sark to like ... do better?
  15. Having followed Texas sports for the better part of 30 years, this is fucking glorious. I don’t care if Schloss is an abject fucking failure here, although I hope, and expect, he will succeed and achieve more than he ever could with little brother. Texas football is finally back up, just as we crash the SEC and restart our rivalry with the Ags. They edge into a college baseball World Series hoping to become relevant in any major sport since the pre-Hitler days, only to lose the whole thing by a run and have their prized coach leave the next day for the evil Longhorns. Absolute fucking poetry. Days like today are glorious, hilarious, and will fuel the rivalry - and “evil Texas” rhetoric - for the next 50 years. Enjoy the aggy tears. They’re particularly salty today.
  16. Aggy getting their shit pushed in at the CWS while we steal their badass coach is nirvana. Nature is healing.
  17. Three years ago we stole half their coaching staff. Now let’s take half their players.
  18. Maybe he'll be great. Maybe he'll suck. Who knows. It is true the guy has won everywhere he has coached, but that's been while playing the role of the underdog. We've seen how that background can fail miserably at a top-tier program.
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