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Posts posted by TexasEx

  1. 2 minutes ago, troph said:

    I did a deal once where a guy wanted to bring seven figures in cash in black trash bags.  Not even kidding. It was freaky.  The craziest part was the line of business was of a kind where government espionage makes sense. We had several theories about the cash and one was it was CIA money.  I killed the deal. No effing way.

    Should have doubled the price and taken it. BDE. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Yes. It is. I don’t know how you’d track it regardless. It’s been collected. Panhandle peep was asked in early October what he’d feel comfortable with if this went down. Gave a figure. Was called about two weeks ago and said he’d give a little more than he promised. Gave what he promised two weeks ago. I don’t know if he wrote a check or it was wired or how that shit works. Way above my pay grade.

    it was collected. Or as The Squid would tweet:


    I assume a commitment of this sort could be handled by some other written doc or some such without an actual wire or bag of cash being exchanged on a holiday. ;) 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. 20 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    All I can offer for information on my end is that I asked my source let me know when it came time to collect money. Or at least his. It happened this afternoon. Don’t know if that means UM or a Plan B. Just know he wouldn’t be offering it up now if Herman was staying. My source had no problems offering up some kind of money even if he stayed (for the Program) but not this much. Wish I knew how to track the money. Do they get it back if it’s a fail? Lulz. I am happy to know that what he promised initially my source said he added more. So there’s that. Please be UM! Please! 

    Does said source know who corch is?

  4. 1 minute ago, DFW Horn said:

    Okay, what are the hours for day vs night shifts? We need consensus on this.

    What about swing-shifters like me? Am I forced to choose sides?

    Time is a circle. Not a number on a dial, but a state of mind. A state of mind that will be altered, morphed with substance, substance and time. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, pearlandhorn said:

    Can people just shut the fuck up about state taxes already?  These guys make so much money that they itemize their deductions anyway and get a credit for state taxes paid. 


    I agree taxes will not be a factor, but the recent SALT cap limits to 10k the state and local (property) taxes that can be written off. There may be other structureS to minimize tax liability, such as an LLC or charitable organization. I hear the name 2-0 LLC is available.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  6. Thamel article is bad. No way around it. He is one of UM’s media mouthpieces. For him to say it is “certain” UM does not coach college, well, that isn’t good. May explain why we’re now hearing more smoke around BK. Hope I’m wrong and Hook ‘Em. 

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  7. 14 minutes ago, futureman said:

    no, this is wrong. I’m a great person, and generous with my inside scoops. you should be more grateful, to be honest. 

    The only inside scoops you get are full of your own shit. 

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  8. Get the fuck outta here with all the LDE, people. All the article says is a couple NFL teams approached him, and he expects to answer within the week. It’s a nice smoke screen for this week, when Texas shitcans Therman after we buttfuck Colorado at the Alamo. 

    This further confirms the reason we were given for UM not coming - that he “indicated” he was “leaning towards not returning to coaching” - is bullshit. So what is it? He doesn’t want to make record breaking bank coaching at a top 5 college job where he can and will win fast? He’d rather go coach a dumpster NFL team in a shithole town? Fuck off. 

    • Hook 'Em 6
  9. bollinger

    Shrimp cocktail 


    Caesar salad

    silver oak  

    lobster tails 

    prime rib 

    chocolate mousse 











    Urban Fucking Meyer 

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  10. Just now, nunna yo bizness said:

    She is pretty emphatic about it.  Doesn't even leave a little wiggle room that he might coach NFL.

    Right, so ask yourself: Who do you believe more -- some random poster on tigershit.com or UM's wife? 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, CowtownHorn said:



    13 minutes ago, Sir Ulrich said:

    Tiger Droppings with the LDEc8a98b692f929d504aadbbaab18c4124.jpg

    People on the site calling it BS. Dude has like 200 posts and hasn't posted shit since 2018. Plus, remember this... starting at min. 26.   


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