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Everything posted by TexasEx

  1. This is especially true after the events of the past two weeks.
  2. NSIAP, but today Burton called the pursut of UM "open ended." Said that if UM wanted to re-engage, we were only a text or call away. Gee, I dunno, maybe after season ends?
  3. 100%. Now, whether there is judgment or discretion involved in deciding the extent to which football operations/events are shut down...
  4. I’m fine with a fucking coma until January 12 as long as he wakes up, accepts, and starts kicking ass.
  5. I looked through BB’s posts and didn’t see that. Same with Nahlin. For the record, I doubt this shit happens but I also get a weird “let’s just not talk about it” vibe from the IT mod posts. Instead, let’s discuss all these b-listers and debate how they would do. 🤷🏼
  6. Hah! Well, I was 4-5 bourbons deep when I made that comment but it is part of what I do. Not much you could read from this, other than it's obvious they discussed the situation before the show. While Meyer wasn't angry, he wasn't happy they brought it up. At first, I don't think he understood the "elephant in the zoo" comment to be referring to him and Texas. When he realized what they were laughing at, he went defensive, fake smile, shook his head, and looked down to gather his thoughts. His second reaction was chuckling, leaning back in his chair, and jabbing back at Quinn. Projecting confidence and trying to brush it off. The initial reaction suggests the issue of possibly joining Texas is/was real in his mind. If it wasn't, he probably would have skipped straight to the second reaction. There was another exchange, I think later in the show, where someone (Stone?) mentioned "ulcers in Ohio," and Meyer said "what do you mean?" When he thought they were bringing up Texas he again went defensive until he realized they were talking about covid--not Meyer taking all of tOSU's corches and 'cruits. I have no information, but given the way this has gone down so far, I tend to think Texas's discussions with Meyer are not over.
  7. I think they only read orangefans though and not surly.
  8. From the other weekend. Made a brisket chili with the leftovers (no beans). Was the tits.
  9. No, I charge the fuck out of them for it.
  10. Misread that as Burton for a second and nearly shit myself. I'm no psychology major, but I read people in high stakes negotiations for a living. What I saw today told me UM has decided he's coming here, or he is very near making that decision. Hook 'Em.
  11. Seems a more pleasant counterpart to futureman’s proposition.
  12. As soon as the team hears anything we should expect @hornfromdallas to tell us unless he’s busy with Nicole.
  13. So you could break out your glizzy, take a break and CUM?
  14. I think we’re all fairly on our way to drunk for the 5th time since Wednesday. Especially those pulling double shifts. Maybe we revisit in the AM.
  15. No, there were reports of contingency planning early this week. The hive mind concensus then was that was a prudent and smart thing to do.
  16. Someone other than UM or Campbell.
  17. Could be off but I am reading more cautious optomism from Nahlin.
  18. Ok we're getting close enough. Just out with it. Who were those fuccbois on that old ass plane.
  19. motherofgod.jpg world-wide entertainment? Rogan law? Jackson Walker Investment Banking? JLM Sports Marketing? who cares, 3 out of 4 The data points are aligning.
  20. There is one unequivocal "no" from a poster on Bucknuts. There is another, Hamm-like mouthbreather who has his own scoop site also reporting it is a "no." The latter claims to have texted with UM in the past, whatever the fuck that's worth.
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