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  1. lulz you oversensitive piece of retard shit. Go ahead and start clicking on the neg button you pussy.
  2. Guys guys, neither one of you would be as big a pussy as texpete or whatever that old retard is who goes back 10 posts a day(which is the limit) for days to neg you. LOL.
  3. OU and it isn't even close.
  4. Neither is defending.
  5. Has anyone told B1G that you can recruit QBs?
  6. Watching B1G Offenses and QB play gives you eye cancer.
  7. TD bitch. lol. I'm telling your retarded ass that texsa is not a blue blood program. Its an above average program with revenue championships. Thats all. Pussy.
  8. Ouch ouch, that hurt. lulz. TD, bitch. lulz.
  9. Mayfield has as many conference championships as your entire fucking history, you senile bitch. lulz. Stop calling yourself a blueblood, you're like Michigan. Irrelevant.
  10. English, you senile old pos pussy.
  11. Lulz, take the touchdown pussy.
  12. Lulz. I'd say go saw your dick off you pussy but I doubt you have one. Well, one that works anyways you old ragged pos.
  13. STFU you snowflake. lulz.
  14. This. And the fact that growing population is a must for a robust growing economy.
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