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Everything posted by M12BH

  1. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    When phone banking for Beto last week I ran across a few people who said they would neverneverNEVEREVER vote for a Democrat. So there's your answer.
  2. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    Ohai. Generalize much? NM. But thanks for pointing out the next logical step for me, I guess.
  3. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    So hi. Some of y'all may remember me as Macallan12's Better Half from Shaggy and the Other-Site-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named. I'm really sickened by all this shit and I"m volunteering for the Beto campaign. My husband (Yes, that would be Macallan 12) and I are hosting Phone Banking for Beto most Tuesday and Thursday evenings at our home in August. If any of y'all want to participate, please message me and I'll give you the information. We live near 360/2222 in Austin, and I know some of y'all <cough Brisket, JimmyJazz/cough> are practically neighbors so please join us if you can. We will feed you and, um, "drink" you. So yeah. DO it.
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