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Everything posted by M12BH

  1. My dog's trainer says he wants them. So he's getting them gratis unless someone buys them in the next two days of which I put the odd at about 0.00000000000001%.
  2. Yeah it did cross my mind that I might have to pay someone to go to the game for me. Buying season tickets this year was the worst fucking financial decision I've ever made, especially after letting them keep the nut last year instead of getting a refund. At least I did manage to unload my OU tickets before the meltdown so I've got that going for me which is nice. I will be blissfully season-ticket-free next year for the first time since 1988.
  3. OK after seeing the going rates for tickets, never mind about the $90, just make me an offer.
  4. So you can watch the shitshow in style. Section 5, Row 45, Seats 27 & 28, SanJac garage parking pass included. I'd like to get $90 each which is face value but if no one is that much of an idiot, make me an offer.
  5. My great-uncle Herman Hochman was the bad-assest of all the badasses out there. I've posted his story before but I'm gonna keep posting it as long as I have breath to draw. He died in his early 90s. I believe the last of his "gang" , J.C., died just last year at a very advanced age. My uncle always carried a deep and abiding love for the Italian people, and told me before I visited Italy a few years ago that if I saw any redheads to say hi because "they might be kin". So apparently fighting wasn't the only thing he did over there. https://www.airforcemag.com/article/valor-behind-enemy-lines/
  6. Along these same lines, I was thinking today about the probably hundreds of thousands of children who have lost one or both parents to Covid here in the U.S. Many of those families are now going to struggle financially and economically. And we have the current Republican fascist machine bombarding them with propaganda that their plight is all the fault of the Socialist/Democratic/Communist/immigrant/intelligencia/elitists. The targets of this disinformation are going to become increasingly radicalized. And when you consider how many of them probably come from anti-vax, anti-science, low-information and "pro-freedom" families, I can't imagine it's going to take much work to push them down that path. Please, someone tell me I am an idiot for thinking this is probably gonna happen.
  7. Germania Ampitheater, Section 105 Row G Seats 11 &12, will throw in parking pass. $100 each.
  8. Eh maybe we are not arguing. But I don't think Trump is a target and I believe I said as much earlier, that he may very well be a lightning rod for shit that was already out there. He is not an anti-Semite per se or in the classical sense but the fact that he has a Jewish son in law and daughter does not negate the fact that he openly supports and embraces fascist white nationalist ideals, and that the actual, you know, fascists, white nationalists, and neo-Nazis have been emboldened because they can say and do shit out in the open and have politicians still rally around them rather than condemn them for the disgusting racist shitbirds that they are. Also the fact that Trump "supports Israel" just plays into the whole evangelical end of times thing that has to happen for the rapture as opposed to preserving Israel as someplace Jews can go when the anti-Semitism starts becoming a thing as it inevitably does. So OK I'm out, Shalom.
  9. Right. I addressed your question as to where the rise in anti-Semitism is coming from by saying both the far left and far right, post an article to that effect, and you agree with the article but not me. Oh, maybe you're right, if it's neo-Nazis this stuff should be happening in small Texas towns. Like San Marcos: https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2021/11/04/jewish-hays-county-residents-face-antisemitism-follow-austin-discrimination/6285536001/ And you're right. The MAGAs and their embrace of the Trumpist/Facist/neo-Nazi/white nationalist ideology is long gone: https://www.azmirror.com/2021/09/23/gop-officials-will-appear-alongside-white-nationalists-nazi-apologists-at-rally-to-support-insurrectionists/ https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/04/politics/kfile-kari-lake-nazi-symapthizer-qanon-figure/index.html Anyway yeah, time to shut up about this. Can't argue with people whose minds are already made up.
  10. Long gone? Dude he's been out of office less than a year and he's still revered and kowtowed to by a whole fucking contingent of insane Congress-things waving his banner and he's still spewing his tribal bullshit. Absolutely a lot of the increase can be traced to the left. And a lot of it can be traced to the neo-fucking Nazis. Do you think for one fucking moment they've forgotten that the President of the United States referred to them as "good people"? Here's an article that at least touches on the issue, I'm not super excited about the whole "Jewish brand" thing but the fundamental concepts are at least addressed. https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/columnist/editors-note/338393/how-the-jewish-brand-is-getting-squeezed-from-two-sides/
  11. Yeah these guys are not home grown. They come to the "liberal havens" to make a point. There is definitely far right activity here right now. But, as I said, it's coming from both sides in general.
  12. It's not just Austin. It's all over the U.S. and the world actually. There are places in Europe (France and Germany in particular) where Jews are advised not to wear any accoutrements identifying themselves as such because of physical violence aimed at them. In Brooklyn, NY too. Polarization of the populace, the fact that the former President of the U.S. has made it cool to hate on others, the "very fine" neo-Nazis on the far right and the Palestinian sympathizers on the far left (and no I'm not saying that the Palestinians don't have some real grievances, let's not go there right now OK?), and just the fact that the shit just historically always comes back to the Jews. When all the Trump shit started happening I was saying at that time that if he got elected and people started glomming onto his Fascist nativist bullshit, we'd see a spike in anti-Semitism because Jews are the perpetual historical scapegoats. Sorry, don't mean to CR this shit but empirically it's exactly what is happening. I guess it could be argued that Trump was just the catalyst for something that was already there, and I do think there is some truth to that theory. I just hope it peaks and ebbs before things get really bad.
  13. That, and there are a lot of elderly people going out to their cars after dark, not to mention the fact that in addition to trying to burn our places of worship, attacking Jews and their property is back in vogue. See Pittsburgh, LA, Brooklyn, Charlottesville, et al. And take a look at this. I have to say, I knew things were getting pretty bad, but even I didn't know they had gotten this bad. https://www.adl.org/education-and-resources/resource-knowledge-base/adl-tracker-of-antisemitic-incidents?field_incident_location_state_target_id=All&gclid=CjwKCAjwiY6MBhBqEiwARFSCPmaB9OVglBKiNnWF94TNC24JtEA6lgBcYpN_MSw_z7aIDZee4424qxoCRZYQAvD_BwE&page=20
  14. I've been a member there for 30 years. Was married there. Fuck that guy.
  15. So, this is a story by my cousin. I never knew any of this. Just wow. https://forward.com/news/476361/my-abortion-story-because-its-true-and-we-should-not-be-afraid-to-talk/?fbclid=IwAR3_BxiRd_ulHCrqYmH8XtH-_CnEWLNaduL1VIj-XIelLVwkDVLn0rTqgSg
  16. Well, he mentions the name of my doctor so I'm not all that excited about releasing the actual VM, but here's the transcript if anyone wants it: Tom Schnorr, Austin Compounding Pharmacy, 9/7/2021, 9:30AM: "Hello ****, this is Tom, that was nice of you. Here...you are fired, and I'll notify Dr. **** that your prescriptions are no longer valid here. So we've cancelled everything in your system, have a good day, find somebody else that you can belittle and berate. And I'm not going to take your shit over Ivermectin. You will change your mind after you see people die for the lack of doing proper medical care. So just piss off." Lovely, huh. BTW I did file a grievance with the State Pharmaceutical Board. I'm not holding my breath that anything will happen from that.
  17. QFT (and search engine propagation) but suffice it to say I'm not with that doctor any more for a variety of reasons. And to be completely honest, I don't know if Tom Schnorr, the owner of Austin Compounding Pharmacy who left me an expletive-laden voicemail, knew I had cancer. The prescription was for something completely different. Not that it should matter. And I've never found compounding pharmacies to be all that different than any others. A lot of hormonal treatments and also orphan drugs need to be made from scratch as they aren't commercially available at the prescribed dosages, or at least that's been my experience.
  18. Yeah that's the first thing I did. The website specifically said they don't handle complaints about rudeness, but I think this went way beyond rudeness, and if he was stupid enough to leave me a VM which of course I kept a copy of, then he's got really poor judgement.
  19. Thanks I really appreciate this. But I'm A-OK now, and out and about with no trouble. I thought about ways to put his shit on blast. Honestly he probably shouldn't be handling controlled substances based on his behavior and, according to Ana, his past record, but couldn't come up with something that was worth the time and effort.
  20. I don't usually watch local news but glad to see KVUE is on to their shit as well. The profane voicemail was the most bizarre part of all this. Who the hell gets cussed out by their (former) pharmacist? When I initially told my doctor about the "forgotten" prescriptions early on, he said, and I quote, "Well, Tom's a good guy, but he may be sampling too many of his own products". Like I said, Tarrytown pharmacy has been very proactive in letting me know the status of my compound when I switched over to them. They let me know in advance about a delay involving the PA's garbled instructions when she switched the script and then a delay in receiving the materials (fuck you supply chain). One other thing about Austin Compounding Pharmacy, the last few times I was in everyone was maskless. I try not to be a mask Nazi, but going through cancer treatment and having a depressed immune system for a year has left me with a lot of rage issues against the assholes who won't mask up. And in a pharmacy where you are dealing with both ill and immunocompromised people it's just inexcusable.
  21. Debated where to put this and whether to post it at all - I've haven't been around much because, well, assholes gonna asshole, but this is too good not to share and chances are a few of you may know this guy. Austin Compounding Pharmacy has been preparing two controlled substance prescriptions for me on a monthly basis for about 18 months. During Covid I had them delivered because I was spending my lockdown in cancer treatment (BTH out of it, second time, FU cancer). So anyway three out of the first four months I had the prescriptions delivered they "forgot" to put one in the bag. This freaked me out because no way was the doctor going to replace the script. I always called and they would say "Oh, yeah, sorry, we forgot to put one of the prescriptions in the bag". We'll send it out tomorrow. Well, I figured the odds of that happening so regularly was pretty close to 0% so I figured someone was trying to steal the drugs. So I started picking them up. Then began a series of months where one of the scripts was randomly not ready when promised. Whenever that would happen I'd just pick up the one and have them delivery the other. They always waived the delivery fee. Not that it was a lot and I didn't want to be a Karen but my medical bills are high enough and I sure as hell wasn't interested in repeatedly paying for someone else's mistake. Fast forward to last month, I went to pick up my prescriptions, made the mistake of not checking, and of course when I got home 20 minutes later there was only one prescription in the bag. I called back and the same lady who had told me they were both ready tried to tell me some bullshit story about the needing to call the doctor about the second prescription and he didn't call back until I had already picked up the first, which was total crap because I had just left 20 minutes before. I asked her to please deliver the second prescription. Two days later I called back to check the status and got some kid who said he had one script ready for pickup. I said no, it needs to be delivered because it wasn't ready when promised. He snapped back that he was only reading what was on the screen and that he'd take care of it, then slammed the phone down in my ear. OK fine, whatever. The next day I got the prescription with a delivery charge. I called to get the fee removed and I get put on hold. Their hold advertising was pimping Ivermectin. And Zinc and Vitamin C to prevent Covid. And all sorts of other shit they said you should come get if you tested positive and didn't want to call your doctor. None of that sat well with me. Next thing I know the owner (who didn't identify himself, I just knew his voice) got on the phone and just started bitching. He was tired, he was overworked, he was stressed, and was I really calling to bother him about a delivery charge? Last straw. I told him to do whatever the hell he wanted with his delivery charge, that I was switching pharmacies and he should be ashamed at himself for shilling Ivermectin. Then I hung up. The owner called me back and left me a voicemail telling me I was fired (you can't fire me, I quit), that he wasn't going to take my shit about Ivermectin, and that I should just piss off. I'm now going to Tarrytown Pharmacy. They are much nicer, much more proactive, and I even got my third Covid shot when I was there this month. Anyway, don't got to Austin Compounding Pharmacy. TLDR: Austin Compounding Pharmacy may have been trying to steal my drugs Austin Compounding Pharmacy is totally incompetent Austin Compounding Pharmacy pushes Ivermectin Austin Compounding Pharmacy's owner is a psycho who called and left me an expletive-laden voicemail.
  22. Cool cool. PM me and let's get her done.
  23. Section 107 Row 6, PM with offer
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