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Everything posted by M12BH

  1. You're right. Turbotax and Walmart preparers SHOULD explain it though. It's a really simple concept. I mean, at least I think it is...maybe I'm just that out of touch with how fucking stupid most people are.
  2. That's fair. There is a ridiculously long and complicated calculation on the back of the W-4 you can use. Or if you want to get really fancy you can go straight to the IRS tax tables, estimate your taxable income (most of the time will be salary + interest and dividends if you're part of the 2% minus standard deduction or itemized deduction) and do the math. That's your tax liability for the year. That's the number that you should base your withholding on. If your pay is fairly steady and you claim S1 or M1 on your W-4 then you should be OK. If you want to be safer then use S0 or M0 to have more withheld. Look I agree they don't make it easy. I mean, it's the government and they're here to help you, right? But at least you understand the concept, which is more than most.
  3. JFC, maybe it's because I'm a CPA and I've lived and breathed this shit for so long, but the number of people who think withholding and refunds are all just things that go into a meat grinder and magically come out as some random numbers at the end of the year never ceases to astound me. Pay attention here: The IRS tax tables ARE NOT SET UP TO PROVIDE YOU WITH A REFUND WHEN YOU FILE YOUR TAXES. They are an estimate, based on the information that YOU are supposed to provide on your W-4 based on the calculations YOU are supposed to do on the backside of the W-4, of how much tax YOU are supposed to be assessed for the year. If you do it correctly, you should have virtually no refund or no tax due. That might not be the case if your income fluctuates during the year, if you get a bonus, if you work two jobs, etc., because the tax tables don't "know" this - they are based on the predication that you are going to earn x amount every week, two weeks, whatever your pay cycle is, and your taxes will be withheld accordingly. Want a bigger refund? Here's how: increase your withholding by $20 per paycheck. Or $50. Or $100. Or $10. It doesn't matter. At the end of the year, if you had more of YOUR money withheld from your paychecks than the amount of tax assessed on your tax return, you'll get a refund. If you did not have enough of YOUR money withheld from your paycheck then you have to make up the difference. So essentially, if you're getting a refund, you're giving the government a bunch of YOUR money out of each one of your paychecks so they can give it back to you when you file your taxes. If you're happy about that then you're kind of stupid. OK let me rephrase that...if you're happy about it once you understand what's happening, THEN you're stupid. Any questions?
  4. Not just a shutdown. A Shutdown!!1
  5. Geez, I don't like McConnell either but I don't know if I'd refer to him as "something". OTOH.....
  6. Fucking amateurs. I was pulling that shit in high school. My mom never knew why she had to keep replacing that particular kind of soup.
  7. I think I've found where most of the 36% live. The stupidity of some of these people never seem to amaze me. Rationale for why the government shutdown is good: ""It kind of makes me question what they do on a day-to-day basis. If I don't miss them, what were they doing?" Yeah motherfucker, it's all about you. Christ on a sidecar, of all the arguments you could make supporting the shutdown, this is what you're going with? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2019/01/20/trump-country-republicans-cheer-federal-shutdown/2549255002/ And no, USA Today is not my normal reading material but I saw one in a hotel lobby in Bumfuck Florida and picked it up.
  8. OK let's see. This one for all the marbles. It's really really difficult: Q: You are are a MAGA kid from a Catholic High School at a pro-life rally participating in your school cheer or whatever on the steps of a DC Monument. An elderly native American man chanting and banging a drum approaches you. Do you: 1. Courteously move out of the way because he is an elderly person, not to mention another fucking human being in a public space leading up to a National Memorial, not to mention obviously (for anyone who is not a total fucking idiot) engaging in some kind of song/dance/ritual possibly of a religious nature and might not be paying as much attention to his surroundings, or might have a reason for wanting to choose that particular path, or 2. Mock him, taunt him get in his face, because, Goddammit HE approached THEM!!! Hmm, that's a tough one. And when passing judgement on the event, do you: 1. Look at the 3 seconds of the recording where the man arguably approaches the kids and say, "Yup, that's all I need to see, he was the aggressor, fake news, build the wall, MAGA MAGA MAGA!", or 2. Look at the whole fucking video and see that the kids behaved in a really sickening manner. Although I have to say the "He started it" excuse dovetails nicely in with the infantile behavior consistently epitomized by the Cheeto. That excuse shouldn't fly unless you're three fucking years old. Who gives a good goddam who started it? Why is that even at issue? The behavior of those kids is vile. I have to say I was encouraged by the swift condemnation of the events by the school authorities and a number of Kentucky politicians. Then of course came the practically illiterate rant by the alleged mother of one of the kids. Like we didn't already know where it came from. Nice call, Brisket. I mean, I appreciate that some of y'all think this kind of behavior is on the way out with the Boomer generation, but let me tell you something, I'm old AF, and the shit doesn't stop. It grows new legs every fucking time. I just want to go weep. Instead I'm going to go catch a plane to Florida. Yay me.
  9. There is some debate about whether this is truly Michael Hodge or another odious punk. At any rate, from the comments, user name checks out: SeattleAggie‏ @Troopaloop 3h3 hours ago More Replying to @josemercado @RedTRaccoon I don’t get it. Looks like a group of trump supporters and this guy picked one of them and then beat his drum in his face. Do I have that right?
  10. Y'all know what makes me cry these days? Almost nothing. You know what made me cry today? That video. I think I'll just stop there.
  11. M12BH


    My dear, pointing out the extraordinary similarities between the things you say and the things said by virulent white supremacists is hardly "shutting up any real discussion". But if it makes you feel better to play the victim by claiming so, well, then, who am I to argue. Anyway, from what I've seen of Stomrfront, you're a natural and you'd fit right in. Except for one little thing. But I'm sure those guys won't mind it. At all.
  12. M12BH


    Globalist elite! Ooh ooh! I know that one! Hahaha, shit.
  13. M12BH


    Love and kisses, Stormfront.
  14. That' the craziest "both sides" I've ever seen. No selective outrage! No selective outrage! YOU'RE the selective outrage!
  15. Yeah well if the government hadn't shut down they'd be able to post more PSAs about smoking and people would see them and not smoke and die, so what about THAT Mr. Smarty Pants?
  16. Yeah. You know...and just work with me on this one....let's say it's 100% true that someone found a prayer rug in the desert. What might that mean on its face other than a MUSLIM MAY HAVE BEEN SEEKING ASYLUM IN THE US, OMG YALL!!1
  17. 35-40% floor no matter what. Dangle something tasty in front of another 10-15% of the population and they're right back in play. You don't think that can or will happen?
  18. Firstly: I'm a CPA, the time to commit tax fraud is never, but since audits lag a year or two behind filing, it's the stuff that was filed 2015-2016 that's going to get the short shrift here. Secondly: Floor - yeah, the 30-odd percent bottom we're at now hasn't budged him, and like you said, it's probably not going to go lower so......he gives no fucks. Wildcard is the perception of the Congress-critters that are holding this shit up. It could all be over tomorrow if they did their fucking jobs. If Trump isn't going to budge, and the 'pubs aren't going to stop clinging to his pant legs, then.....what?
  19. Saw in the comments (why do I do this to myself?) of some tweet or another that federal govt workers are all overpaid and if they are suffering right now it's because they weren't smart enough to save for a rainy day, and WALL WALL WALL!! So while Trump's numbers have gone down, I don't know that there is a floor beyond which his support will diminish to the point that he, or even Congress, will take notice. In other words, a la Brisket, we're all gonna die. Or at least be mortally inconvenienced when we have to fly. Like I have to, twice in the next month. So, fuck me I guess.
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