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Everything posted by M12BH

  1. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    You know sometimes when I want a laugh, I ask a Trumpkin to please explain to me the definition of one of the following concepts: "liberal", "communism", "conservative", "collusion", "socialism". Or where Venezuela is and why we don't want to turn into them. But not too often. Because the answer usually makes me more depressed than anything. Also, try asking one of them who Soros is. They don't know, except that he is someone who makes them very, very, very afraid.
  2. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    In the meantime, I'll have to make due with my Beto yoga shirt. Let's see you try to steal this, asshole.
  3. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    Some goddam asshole motherfucker took my rainbow Beto bumper sticker off my car. I hope whoever did it receives the full negative karma reserved for those who take rainbow Beto bumper sticker off cars. Fuck you, asshole.
  4. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    You know what's really, really, really funny about that contention?
  5. Meh. What's a spy among one's closes confidants and advisors, much less drivers, when one is high up in the federal government. What else ya got?
  6. Client of mine was crowing yesterday about how much he liked Trump because he was a "hell of a dealmaker". Despite the fact said client is a pecan farmer whose business is destroyed this year because of tariffs. This client is an (allegedly recovered) alcoholic without two brain cells to rub together but still. I see Feinstein has moved into "lock her up" territory. Has anyone explained why she should be locked up? Other than the fact that she is a Democrat? And a female? Sorry, I'm out of the loop on that one.
  7. This has been my fear all along. I mean, Trump is an absolute moron and he's got more than 1/3 of the populace. Get someone in there with half a brain and it could get really, really bad.
  8. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    I am not gruntled. Maybe it's the eternal pessimist in me. But like Troph, this Kavanaugh thing has me rattled. I mean, how in the blue hell could that cluster have COST the Democrats? No don't answer that. I already know. I see it every day. It's kind of not fun walking around and knowing that statistically, 1/3 of everyone I see would consider me a liar, a con, a freak, a Soros shil, a loony, a liberal propagandist operative, and a fraud if I told my story. Anyway we'll find out in a few weeks. Operation M12/M12BH pop-up office is in full swing over here.
  9. SiriusXM Deep Tracks is playing some pretty freaking awesome Native American and Native American-inspired tunes today. Check it oot.
  10. How many will you have? Well this is going to be going on 9PM to 6PM five days a week, and they will be phone banking and organizing block walks. So I think it's going to be variable. Right now we just have an organizer here - apparently they have more offices than they do volunteers and it will take them a few days to catch up processing volunteers. If you know anyone who wants to work out of the 360/2222 area in Austin, ping me and we'll get you over here. Special bonus attraction, the office is my music room that's been temporarily converted. So if anyone is musically inclined we can jaw at my guitars and maybe drag out some of the amps. I wouldn't be opposed to a little after hours jamaroo if anyone is so inclined.
  11. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    Heh yeah I get it, you guyssssssssssss.................
  12. Beto popup office people are invading my home as we speak.
  13. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    Was out last night wearing my Beto pin as usual, and had people come up to me as usual, wanting to know where I got it, how to get one, blah blah blah. The sentiment behind the conversations carried a lot more gravitas yesterday. Especially with the women. Several of them were crying when they told me that they too supported Beto and that they wanted to get involved in his campaign, and that the last week had been intolerable. I knew exactly what the deal was with them. I could see it in their eyes and I know they could see it in mine. They are galvanized. But here's my biggest concern: I am still in shock and disbelief that the Kavanaugh thing has given a bump to the Republicans. I don't know why I'm shocked. You'd think I would have learned by now, but I keep waiting for that one thing that is going to cause them to turn. I think it has finally sunk in emotionally as well as intellectually that 1/3 of our country would break the law, ignore the constitution, protest the holding of elections - whatever their orange cheetoh god commands. Because liberals and democrats are worse than Russians, they are worse than Nazis, they are worse than terrorists, they are worse than anyone. So if we have to keep kids in cages and lie about it and ignore the Supreme court, that's OK. If we have to keep women down by whatever means to protect our boys, then it's OK. Kick them out of their jobs if they are a threat to men. Mexicans are all rapists and leeches. No more Latinos in this country. Muslims are all terrorists. Can't be Muslim in the U.S. anymore. Two term limit gonna endanger making America great? Ignore that rule. I believe 100% that Trump's minions would support these positions. And get enough crooked and biased judges and crooked, power-hungry Congress members, and it's not so farfetched that these things could happen. Not tomorrow or next week or next year, but certainly within a generation, two at the outside. Couple these positions with the elimination of the social safety nets, which is the stated goal of many Republicans, and the continued gutting of the public school system, which is already happening, and the possibility that a great many citizens will not be able to afford healthcare, which they are trying like hell to make happen and who knows where we go from there. I think it's something of a coin toss between a new Facist regime or a new pre-revolution France. And oh yeah, there's the anti-Semitism part. I told M12 as far back as Trump's campaign that sooner or later it would come around to the Jews because it always does. Then of course on Friday we got the Trump Soros tweet and the Grassley reinforcement. Does Trump believe that shit about Soros? Maybe not, but that's not what matters. What matters is the neo-Nazis are now ecstatic that the President of the United States has validated one of their narratives about the wealthy left-wing Jews secretly pulling the strings behind the scenes. Yep, right on schedule. OK I kind of got off on a tangent there, but that's how important I think these midterms are. It's now or never. Our spare bedroom Beto popup office opens today, and we already have some campaign people here. They are all so young and confident. I feel very old and tired and jaded. I've never felt this threatened or helpless before in my entire life. Maybe some of it is the re-experiencing of what happened to me (it's in the Trump thread if you missed it, I'm not gonna repost it here). But I think most of it is not fear of the past but fear for the future. These next 31 days are, I think, going to tell us the direction our country is going to move for at least the next 50 years. And, like I always say when I go on a rant like this: I hope to hell I'm wrong. But to drag out another old tired analogy, we are the frogs in the pot of water that is just starting to warm. I don't want to be in it when it starts to boil.
  14. Well this fucking sucks. The Kavanaugh thing appears to be doing the opposite of what we had hoped. "We're fucked" /Brisket https://www.npr.org/2018/10/03/654015874/poll-amid-kavanaugh-confirmation-battle-democratic-enthusiasm-edge-evaporates
  15. Yeah, I was too busy screaming at him and telling him to go pound sand before I blocked him so I didn't follow up on that particular line of thought. I was just so shocked. I've known this guy for two decades and though we've always had different politics, we've remained good friends. Now it seems he's gone all in on the far right Fox/Rush/Hannity koolaid but in a mean way. Among other things he told me I needed a lobotomy. Nice, huh? And posted a picture of some women grafitti-ing Kavanaugh's house and held me responsible. Nice, huh? And you know what, "MERRICK GARLAND DIDN'T GET HIS HOUSE GRAFITTI-ED, SO HOW'S THAT FOR DOUBLE STANDARDS YA DIZZY BROAD, WHY ARE THE LIBTARDS SO RADICAL???" Ugh. Good riddance.
  16. Oh, fuck the 80s, for lots of reasons. Something else that set me off - I posted my thoughts on the Kavanaugh testimony on my Facebook page and was immediately reminded why I stay away from politics in that cesspool. A guy I've been internet friends with since the AOL days immediately went off on me to the point that I unfriended and blocked him yesterday. One of the things he said that caught my eye was referring to Dr. Ford as "a so-called doctor, and I use that term loosely". I've seen that characterization a few other times in the last couple of days. I mean, what the fuck? Because she came forward with a story about sexual assault, that somehow negates her PhD from the University of Spoiled Children, and her research and publishing work at Stanford? Can someone smarter than me please explain? What does any of this have to do with her credentials? Are words like this meant to denigrate her further, to say that because she dared to be a slut at 15, and to ruin a choirboy's life during the pinnacle of his professional success, that she shouldn't be referred to by a title that she has earned by both education and profession? Seriously. I don't get this one. Someone please splain.
  17. Holy hell if I counted the times I've been groped in clubs...well I might have an easier time counting the stars. Yeah, I know, I played guitar in a rock band, I dressed like a slut, I sang dirty lyrics, blah blah blah. Yeah it's the lack of respect that is the worst. I was brought up to do and be anything I wanted, never mind the fact that I am a female. I have a very strong, very ahead-of-his-time father, who absolutely would not let me put up with any shit from any stupid stinking men. I was instructed to kick them in the balls, figuratively for sure and literally if needed, and stand up for myself and do what I wanted. I think it's no accident that my profession and avocations are all in male-dominated areas, nor is it an accident that my sister is a surgeon, a job that is still a bastion of men. But today none of that matters. Today I'm less. Because I my privates go in rather than out. I guess I should mention the good guys. My dad. My husband. One of my two brothers. They guy who almost took my virginity until I chickened out at the last minute and I was so embarrassed and apologetic, and he said it was ok and then took me out and bought me french fries at McDonald's. I'm ashamed that I don't even remember his name (told y'all, I'm old AF). I know y'all are out there. But today you don't matter. I'm sorry to have to say that, but nothing much does matter today. I'm having to force myself through work, which involves finalizing a financial plan for someone who has jillions of dollars. I may have to actually take some time off today and reschedule our meeting. I can see it now. "Hello, Mr. XXX, I'm sorry I have reschedule our appointment. You see, I'm having a mini-breakdown today brought on by past sexual trauma that is resurfacing because of the political atmosphere in this country". Yeah, that will go over great. Actually this client is a gay man so he might be a little more sympathetic than I would think. But seriously. I know most of y'all are assholes n shit but you are helping me today. Thank you.
  18. SInce y'all seem to be my clearinghouse for all things political, let me tell a story. A couple of them, actually. Three, if you want to be specific. When I was 14 I went with a family friend to visit some of her relatives out of state in a very small Southern town. One of them was a 30 year old man married to my friend's 19 year old sister. My friend and I spent a week there by ourselves. I spent the whole week trying, not always successfully, to keep the 30 year old from shoving his hand down my shirt. While I was awake, while I was asleep. Anytime no one was around. This was well before the days of cell phones and my choices were to tell my 14 year old friend or her 19 year old sister. I did neither. I still feel the horror, the shame, the embarrassment, and the powerlessness to this day. What I remember most is sleeping in my heaviest nightgown with two heavy blankets over me in the heat of the summer in the deep South in a house without A/C. That is, when I slept at all. I spent most of each night waiting for that hand. When I was 20 I went with my boyfriend and his roommates to 6th Street on Halloweeen. I dressed as Billy Gibbons. Much drunken flirting and hilarity ensued. Somewhere in the crush, my boyfriend got separated and so his roommates and I took a cab back to his place. His roommates raped me. I was so drunk that I don't remember much about it except that I kept trying to turn over to stop them, but either I was too drunk or I was being held down. Now that I think about it, turning over probably wouldn't have done any good anyway, if you know what I mean. When I told my boyfriend about it the next day, he accused me of fucking them deliberately and kicked me out. Apparently flirting and drinking with roommates means I want to fuck them. I didn't tell anyone else. What would have been the point? There was no proof and no witnesses. "Date rape" wasn't even a concept then. Being raped meant by a stranger at gunpoint, knifepoint, or at least fistpoint. Fast forward more decades than I care to admit. I'm a successful business owner. I'm doing better than I ever dreamed. I make obscene amounts of money and I've got an agreement in place to sell my business in 3 years for a humongous payout. I spent 2013 bald and puking and kicked cancer to the curb, never to look back. I'm a published songrwiter and I've been involved in the Austin music scene for a long time. I do volunteer work. I'm happily married, have a nice house in one of the greatest cities in the world, and by all accounts, a great life. But this morning I feel, in turns, 14 and 20 years old. I'm being touched and violated against my will. And no one cares, no one believes me, and I'm being publicly mocked and scorned by the leader of this country and his disgusting minions. I should have said something. I should have done something. I shouldn't have drank. I shouldn't have flirted. I shouldn't have dressed up as Billy Gibbons with a fake beard and a cardboard guitar. I shouldn't have gone out of state with my friend at age 14 for a vacation from my parents. I'm nothing. My credentials don't matter, my credibility doesn't exist, and I'm just some skank trying to use something that certainly didn't happen, and, well, if it did, then it's my fault, to help the evil liberals bring down the poor persecuted conservatives. I guarantee you I'm not the only woman you know who feels this way today. Just keep it in mind, OK?
  19. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    Oh bummer, especially about Lord Huron. Hope things settle down for ya.
  20. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    Went to the original fundraising event that we had signed up for last night at Robert Rodriguez's house. It was pretty cool, got to rub shoulders with Richard Linklater and some other Austin luminaries. There was Beto beer, Beto cookies with his face on the front in sugar, Beto Whataburger tacos( beef, onions, mustard), and a whole lot of swag like buttons and coozies that we already have a million of. And a good Latino swing/lounge band. M12 scored himself a giant Beto mug, filled with Beto beer of course. Beto gave pretty much the same speech he did at the Willie concert. Listening to it again it occurred to me that he is actually to the left of me on a few of his positions. I don't care. I mean, no one (unless you allow Fox News and Rush Limbaugh to define your politics for you) is going to get 100% of what they want out of a politician. And this whole Tea Part, Evangelical, burn it all down if they don't get 100% of what they want mindset, is a great part of what is causing the damage being done to this country. So next week our house turns into a pop-up office. We'll have people here doing phone banks and organizing block walks for 9 hours a day, 5 days a week. Yippee. I'm starting to believe we can actually pull this off.To be honest, I have been of the Brisket mindset for some time, just not as vocal about it, at least here. I'm not normally a doomsday theorist but this just feels different to me, and very very dangerous and scary. I have decided to hold out on progressing further down the rabbit hole until after the midterms. Then I'll decide whether to recommence with the panic or not. Oh and to those of you who claim that M12 has outkicked his coverage, he wanted me to tell you all that he is well aware, and to give a big ol' grin and middle finger to each and every one of you 😉 One more thing, and I was really surprised to find this out, but Justin Nelson, the Democratic challenger for State Attorney General, is within a couple of points of indicted felon Paxton. Another encouraging sign, maybe. I just wanted to put it out there for everyone's radar screens.
  21. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    Heh. I just did what I was told.
  22. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    I'm the one in the pink .
  23. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    Just to expound, he's also been labeled as a Nazi sympathizer despite the fact that he is Jewish and actually, you know, was persecuted by and escaped from the Nazis in occupied Europe. He did a 60 Minutes interview in which he described his experiences and of course his story got completely mischaracterized and taken out of context to make it sound like he was a collaborator and that he enjoyed being one. At age 14 or whatever.
  24. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    Yeah the picture weirdness was before the concert, and Beto was running late and he had to get onstage for the rally. Still and all, it seemed like they could have come up with a better solution. I'm not gonna bitch about it too much, I know everyone is doing the best they can. As far as Willie is concerned - I guess like you said, he's 85 and showing it. I didn't expect him to be at the top of his game but it's just sad to see the deterioration.
  25. M12BH

    Cruz vs Beto

    Quick update from the Shaggy 1% VIP experience last night. The good: Got to meet Beto. He's evah so dreamy. Pic to follow as soon as I get a chance. The not as good: We spent the first 2 hours of the concert sitting in a fenced-off area where we could neither see nor really hear the music. Waah. Also I don't know if they planned this out in advance, but when we formed the photo line, we were told that pics would be taken in groups of five, and they assigned us three random people to take a picture with and instructed us to decide whose camera we were going to use and then to exchange phone numbers for sharing the picture. By the time we got to the front of the line that whole plan had kind of fallen apart; people were just wandering up to Beto in whatever group formations they desired and taking pictures that way. We ended up with a random dude in ours but he was on the outside and can easily be cropped out. The good again: Once we got the pictures out of the way we got to watch the rest of the concert right up front from a VIP section. Noice. The not as good - Um, was it just me or was Willie's set not all that great? I don't know if he was having trouble hearing or if he's just old AF, but his playing and his timing were so off that it was affecting the bad. Not a biggie, though, I mean, given why we were all there. The best: Beto's speech. Holy fuck. I was all in before but now I'm REALLY all in.
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