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About SwanderedTalent

  • Birthday August 1

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  1. was that where you stopped reading?
  2. I remember him referring to us as "t.u." one year when Bonfire was televised, maybe 92 or 93. I think he's a pretty typical Aggie, not in the ten percent of "Ah'd turn down chemotherapy if it came from a t.u. hospital!" type, but just generally a yokel dipshit. All of which is beside the point of, it's pretty fucking aggy to talk shit to a cancer patient over his college allegiance. Who cares where he worked and what college team he continued to support after getting stankrammed by Mack Brown? I mean, I guess I'd see the irony if he were a former governor who'd vetoed funding for the hospital he ended up getting treated at, that sort of thing, but I doubt Slocum ever knew much about the University of Texas beyond "that's the only game these dipshits care about, I better win that 'n."
  3. Who did you think I was speaking for?
  4. Maybe. The perfect and entirely unrealistic solution would be to just let one person (me) pick the field every year and let that person (me) shape it depending on the year. So in 2005, we skip the playoff and go right to Texas-USC. In 2008, it's eight teams. If you have to have a set number, four isn't enough. Just from personal experience, the cutoff between "qualified to compete" and "a total also ran" doesn't feel like it happens at 4/5. Sixteen (or, God forbid, more) is too many. The only problem I have with eight is that it doesn't give us enough headroom to get G5 represented (that's not much of a concern for me, personally, but other people seem to care that Central Florida et al not get left out). I'd be OK with 8.
  5. yes, and if you go back and read my post without thinking "ooh I gotta play Smart Boy and disagree with this!" and leaping to write your response, the explanation of "why" is clearly stated. it is an opinion based on personal preference, it won't change
  6. "Ah hope people that fuck their seckertaries don't go to hell"
  7. yeah you tell that dying old man! WHOOP!
  8. When you're bouncing around the State of Texas with that A&M logo it carries a lot of weight." - @CoachSchloss so it's like a heavy, heavy burden to carry
  9. Unwieldy is not the right word for it, but college football has traditionally been a sport that tries to use the regular season to determine the top teams, and then in a completely illogical but occasionally lovable way, use the post-season to try to pick the best from those teams. Under that system, a lot of deserving teams got left out of proper consideration over the years, but we never had an 8-3 team invited to play for the national championship. That's the problem with the 16-team field. It's too inclusive. If the pre-BCS was too random, and the BCS and four-team playoff excluded too many teams from consideration, a 16-team field (FUCK FCS/I-AA) includes too many teams who over the course of a dozen games already showed they weren't national championship caliber.
  10. yeah as soon as I saw this bumped, I knew what the news was wasn't everyone else expecting him to transfer? because from the start he seemed like a contributor level player at best and there was a disconnect between attitude and aptitude
  11. feasibility study lol
  12. Bingo. For financial competition reasons, small geographically coherent conferences don't work within today's CFB model. But sharing a conference with a bunch of schools in your geographic footprint is a lot more interesting than playing schools 1500 miles away as a "conference" game. /enough realignment talk
  13. yes, no, no, no
  14. so this is cool, but I am not sure I buy the premise that these rankings would have been the same had they been selecting for 12 instead of 4. It's a lot easier to tell Shithead State "aw, rats, you just missed it, you were fifth!" when it doesn't matter. When it means Shithead State gets to host a first round game in a 40,000 seat stadium in Bumfuck, Mississippi, it's a different question. In the same way, it's a lot easier to say "we consider all comers, look who finished 10th and 11th!" when only four get in than it is to actually give those two shitbird programs spots in the playoff instead of a three-loss Michigan or USC team.
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