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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. On 2/2/2019 at 11:04 PM, Radical Larry said:

    25 years. Holy shit. I remember buying their first album at Sundance Records in San Marcos. 

    What are you guys talking about, here...? First record was released 7/4/95...?

  2. 34 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    It’s really infuriating to see that in 121 years, we only had 11 6+ loss seasons and then Charlie added 3 to that list in 3 years.

    We averaged one 6+ loss season per decade and then Charlie comes in and reels off 3 in a row.

    well, it was a lot harder to lose 6+ games in the 80s when you only played 11 and bowl appearances were harder to come by

    but this response is irrelevant to Charlie sucking, so never mind

  3. 17 minutes ago, Red Six said:

    The "standard" battery of FSTs consists of three. The first one is unverifiable and relies upon the judgment of the officer. The second one affords several dozen opportunities to fail. The third and final one requires a person to hold their foot up for 30 seconds.

    A sober person can "fail" all three tests and it would be a valid result.

    is your phone number 777-7777?

    • Like 1
  4. Here is how Dan Jenkins summarized things in the 1/11/71 issue of Sports Illustrated:

    "...Texas' loss to the...Irish was required if the day of the big bowls was to have any prolonged drama for the followers of Ohio State or Nebraska. The reason was that Texas had already captured one 1 1/2 regular season No. 1s, those of the UPI (which the Longhorns won outright) and the Hall of Fame (for which the Longhorns tied Ohio State)."

    That is how the UPI was seen at the time. It recognized the best team of the season, prior to bowl games, because the bowl games still weren't seen as trumping the entirety of what a team did prior to that.

  5. He failed "multiple field sobriety tests". Multiple. It wasn't that he couldn't recite the alphabet backwards. He shouldn't have been driving. 

    He might not be an alcoholic, though. If he's willing to go out and drink and drive after getting a DWI, that to me means he's not terrified of losing access to alcohol above all else. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    We have counted it since 1970 because we won it in 1970.

    THIS, x1000. If you didn't count it when it happened, don't fucking count it now. Is our 1970 championship weird by our modern, post-bowl sensibilities? Sure. Did people yell about it and claim it was invalid in 1970? NOPE. People (some) wanted a playoff even back then, or wanted a post-all-the-bowls 1vs2 type of championship game, but no one said "so FUCK THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP, IT DOESN'T COUNT"

    Likewise, did anyone consider Texas A&M the "national champions" in 1919 or 1927? Did the Aggies themselves think they'd won the national title? No. Because there was practically no such thing, there was no way of recognizing it anyway, and everyone knew 90% of the talent in CFB was located east of Ann Arbor and north of the Mason-Dixon. 

    • Like 1
  7. How is their 1939 national championship "almost 30 years before they sniffed one" when we won one in 1963? 24 is not almost 30. The '41, '47, '50, '59, and '61 teams all "sniffed" one, as well. 

    What gets tiresome about tweets like that is it's like saying "ha ha Michael Jordan's not a great basketball player, he couldn't shoot the basketball". It's factually wrong and sounds stupid when someone says it.

  8. 38 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    If you follow GAAP accounting, yes. But governmental accounting doesn't follow GAAP rules.

    These reports are compiled in accordance with various conventions.

    A&M follows GAAAP, Generally Accepted Aggie Accounting Principles, meaning caveat fucking emptor

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Oh no, but fuck you sir !  Sweet relish is a key ingredient in multiple goodies from deviled eggs to tuna to the perfect hamburger (depending on my mood).

    dude deviled eggs are eggs, vinegar, mustard, paprika

    hamburgers are cow meat, salt, pepper

    sweet relish is none of the above

    • Like 1
  10. 9 hours ago, Genco said:

    I had to pick up a desire chip today. I didn't have an impressive amount of time accrued but it meant a lot to me. Self loathing, hopelessness, fear were the main course day 1. Day 2 was depression.

    Today's day 3 and I had to compose myself in the parking lot on the way in. I left that meeting feeling completely revitalized. I'm going to owe my life to the pissheads in that room.

    self-loathing is just your addiction trying to use your brain to kill you. you need to look your brain in the eye and say FUCK YOU BRAIN. you need to do that in private, too, people will look at you a little funny if you have that conversation in public

    I wish I could give you some glib advice that will make this easier, but nothing makes it easy besides time. It's simple, not easy. If you can resist the temptation to just say "this is too hard, fuck it" (which I have done a dozen or more times in the past three and a half years), you end up with some time and you get to feeling better and better. Even when you don't feel good, you feel better.

  11. I predict:

    Briles to Southern Miss

    Southern Miss to the NY6 in about five years

    Jimbo Fisher to the unemployment line after another 9-4/8-5 season and A&M deciding that it's an even bigger badge of honor to be able to afford to buy out the guy you money-whipped in the first place

    Briles to A&M, and when you ask an Aggie "how can you HIRE that piece of shit, are you crazy?" they'll just goggle at you and say "what, cause he's 70?"

    • Haha 1
  12. 15 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

    There were 31 players implicated in the sexual assaults?  Holy shit.   That’s worse than I remembered.  Even if the coaches and school made it clear they would turn a blind eye to sexual assault, it’s still astounding to me that you would have 31 rapists.  What is that, like a full one-fifth of the guys he would have recruited at Baylor?  

    There really should have been more effort to bring criminal charges against the people in charge at Baylor.  

    if it makes you feel better, statistically speaking a few of the alleged rapes might not have been actual rapes, so it might have only been like... 30 rapists, or even 29. 

  13. 41 minutes ago, El Diablo said:

    I was up at 5 or so yesterday morning, took a long nap during the big game and woke up in time to see the confetti. Wooooo!!!!!!

    shit dude you slept through all the touchdowns!!!

  14. 54 minutes ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    The $17 million the university is asking for is for operating capital in the next two years. ...

    The Lubbock Chamber Political Action Committee donated $15,000 for vet school efforts last month

    jeez don't spend it all in one place!

  15. 21 hours ago, ztejas said:

    Sober Super Bowl train leaving the station soon. Who's on board?

    hell I've been Super Bowl abstinent for two years now, sounds like I missed a real classic yesterday

  16. 18 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    Point taken.  Now answer me this:  How can you violate a groupie with a mud shark in the #metoo era?

    that's not a question I dream of answering any more, but... does it help if the groupie consents? I mean in all the tellings of the mud shark story, no one's ever indicated whether the shark itself consented so that's moot

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