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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 47 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    He meant the ten years since 2012, dumbass. That's when the relevant modern era of college football began and the playing field for A&M was finally leveled. No more unfair sip advantages in the BDF. Now aggy is a beloved brother in the SEC!

    That's also when whatever happened to A&M became totally OK and fine with Aggies. Before, losing to the big name programs in the conference and watching them go play for and win national championships? HUGE FUCKING PROBLEM CHET. Now? Totally OK. 


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  2. 37 minutes ago, pepper brooks said:

    try not to overthink it.  I like the kind of music they're putting out. 

    Same. I'm somewhere between liking them and finding them obnoxious. But this is one of the few acts I've heard in the last few years that didn't make me ask "are you fucking kidding with this shit?" immediately.

  3. 38 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    the remakes of 21 jump street and baywatch is ass, my dude

    I will take your word for that. But to my point, 21 Jump Street made enough money that they made a sequel to it.

    we will hit peak Gen-X nostalgia if they ever make a Thundercats movie and instead of laughing it out of the theaters on opening day, it breaks even or makes money

  4. Leaving aside all of the "force is female" stuff, etc, etc, Rey is just not a good character. If you wrote a movie like that and made her character male, people would take it as a send-up of hero movies and assume you were joking. I mean she's basically Jack Slater from "Last Action Hero" before he crosses over into the real world / they pull the curtain back on him a bit. 

    The fact that The Force Awakens was derivative of stuff from the original trilogy... I have a hard time believing that really bothers anybody given how every generation from the Boomers down (but most especially Gen-X) loves being spoon-fed nostalgia and fan service. That's why Hollywood makes the movies it makes. Member berries. They've made movies out of 21 Jump Street, Baywatch, and plenty of other stuff that was barely enjoyed ironically when it first ran. It's not because they're out of ideas, it's because nostalgia is catnip for my generation and we not only don't mind being pandered to, we expect it. Thus 90 second of Darth Vader slicing up rebels with his Red Lightsaber is enough for people and the boring, pointless mess of Rogue One is "not that bad".

    Being derivative wasn't the problem with The Force Awakens. It wasn't even in the top five. That's why it's generally liked and people defend it like they're Japanese holdouts in the Pacific in 1945.

  5. 4 hours ago, mulletpelini said:

    Hell, Anakin blew up a whole fucking droid controlling space ship and saved Naboo when he was 8 years old. 

    by accident

    Rey's character is one of the worst written of any move this decade. "I'm nobody, but as soon as you ask me to do anything, no matter what it is, I can do it better than any other character in the movie universe". 

    • Like 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

     In all seriousness, when have you ever been a conversation and, when an aggy joined in, the level of conversation was elevated? 

    there's always the chance "sticking your arm up a cow's ass" will be a topic of conversation at the next faculty cocktail party

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  7. 6 hours ago, Napoleon said:

    Missouri was traditionally a basketball powerhouse with a relatively mediocre football team. They had a Detroit pipeline (most probably paying a fixer) and were like a smaller version of Kansas & Indiana, but a far superior basketball power to Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Minnesota, Michigan, & Michigan State.

    I probably should just leave this alone, because I can see the bone you have to pick already, but there is no universe in existence where Missouri was at any time a "far superior basketball power" to Illinois, Michigan, or Michigan State. 

  8. there wasn't an Aggie alive that would have said, admitted, or even implied Mack Brown "owned this state" at any point of his coaching career at Texas, but now that they have Jimbo, it makes him look better by comparison to imply he's finally overcome that darned t.u. advantage that no other Aggie coach before him ever could

  9. 2 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

    They love the scholarship limit argument.  Those dumbfucks don't realize or understand that the SWC had scholarship limits in place in 1965.  Long before the NCAA did.  And they signed larger classes than us during DKR's run.


    but unlimited scholarships was unfair to smaller programs so nothing that happened back then counts til we had a level playing field!!!!


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