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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 8 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Miami (assuming Diaz is competent) and Notre Dame are quality opponents, don't kid yourself.


    I am not kidding myself. Other than Michigan, it's hard to think of two programs whose reputations are more vestigial than Miami and Notre Dame. 

    e-- I would like playing all three of those, to be clear, but they're generally paper tigers.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    They dropped Oregon for Clemson awhile ago because they thought the Oregon game would be too hard. Them scheduling a real OOC team was an accident. Their next P5 team is Colorado. lulz.

    They also have Miami and Notre Dame coming up. Those are nice safe OOC opponents, a lot more hat than cattle. Miami hasn't been relevant nationally in 15 years. Notre Dame has one0 good run once every five years before they get exposed in a BCS title game/playoff bowl, otherwise they're probably starting a bunch of slow Pollacks and going 9-4.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Orange&White said:

    It is absolutely hilarious to me that they find it a foregone conclusion that they will rule the conference the day Saban retires. As if the rest of the conference doesn't exist and that Alabama will just hire some scrub of a coach, and that every bit of the talent that Saban recruited will leave with him. This coming from a team that has not even SNIFFED a conference title in 20 years. The delusion is simply mind blowing.

    Sometimes programs upgrade from great coaches. I doubt Alabama will do that, but did you think Ohio State would be better after Jim Tressel was fired? OU after Stoops (shorter term)? There is a non-zero chance that post-Saban Alabama stays close enough to what they are today that A&M will never see much more than their blurry taillights. Or, to continue to get a super-close up of the pinball machine's inner workings.

  4. If we accept that Charlie's efforts had baked the cake and the talent was at acceptable to good levels, and if we accept that Charlie's players luuuuuuuuuved him and wanted to Play! So! Hard! for him, then the Kansas loss becomes even more of an indictment of Charlie's ability to coach in-game, and/or hire and empower assistants.

    • Like 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, EZ$ said:

    So if we don’t get Lakia Henry, then I’m sure they’ll jump us with Williams and Shepard and be back to “owning” them sips.  Jimbo gets another 10 years and they give him another trophy with a blank date. 


    oh wait we're ahead of t.u? well then the ratings are just and correct

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Horn80 said:

    As I recall, Wooden would sit any player when their play did not meet his requirements.  It was zero tolerance, perform as coached or sit.  

    Bill Walton gave Wooden lip at the start of his sophomore year, showing up with a beard. Wooden says shave it, Bill says nuh-uh, this is important to me, I feel really strongly about muh facial hairs.

    Wooden looks Walton in the eye and says, "That's admirable, Bill, really admirable. I so admire people with strong beliefs, willing to act on them, no matter the consequences. And, we're really going to miss you on this year's team."

    Walton shaved.

  7. 34 minutes ago, ClubWhatever said:

    I may be in the minority but I don't think DO was a waste of a scholarship.  I just think he is misused.  He should not be on the perimeter, ever, except to set ball screens.  He is a good rebounder and (sad to say) has the best post moves on the team even though he has trouble finishing.  He should be Hayes' primary backup instead of Sims.

    DO is the kind of guy where if we had the right mix of players and/or better talent, he'd be coming off the bench playing about 12 minutes and hitting the occasional three, grabbing key rebounds, and there'd be like three dudes on this forum saying "you know, it's ridiculous DO doesn't play more, his number are amazingly efficient". 

  8. 47 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    I've come to believe that they think they are psy-ops against the evil enemy. They follow a template:

    Cool Ag doing something cool is confronted by a sip dressed in sip gear proclaiming sip greatness. (Projection)

    Cool Ag coolly puts the sip in his place by calm Socratic method. 

    Sip does slow burn.

    Cool Ag just walks away.

    Ags on internet applaud and begin to cook up their own fiction.

    None of it ever happens.

    so basically every millennial editorial cartoon ever

  9. 22 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I don’t buy this. I believe that people are circulating this, but it sounds like fresh bullshit. This season is headed towards another dumpster fire and that’s a problem with the new arena efforts well under way. 

    I will be willing to consider it true the second someone fucking names a name. Until then, this is "Saban-to-Texas" horseshit.

  10. 1 hour ago, LTtxfan said:

    Quick look-in at some folks posting on internet.....























    now that's a valuable contribution "on the Internet", posting GIFs. nicely done

  11. The two things I like, coming from the Rationals now, are:

    Charlie Strong and Shaka Smart aren't comparable! Well, maybe, maybe not, but they both came in with a reputation as defensive coaches and if Smart's team can't play better defense than it did yesterday, what is the point? I watched enough Charlie Strong defenses give up 500+ yards and 40+ points, not sure why I have to watch our defensive savant basketball coach's team give up 98 points on 70% shooting too. 

    The evolution of what will/should happen to Shaka. It's gone from "he's not going anywhere, nor should he" in the pre-season to "he deserves and will get more time, regardless of how 2019 goes" a few weeks ago, to "well, YOU can't afford his buyout, tee-hee tee-hee, he'll be back here next year, ha ha sucks for you". Like some of these assholes take real pleasure in knowing that a lot of us want Shaka fired and might not get that, because it means we'll just get more frustrated and suffer as Texas continues to monkeyfuck the basketball nightly.

    And this is coming from people who have a purported love for the University of Texas, not some dipshit it hired to coach its basketball team. It gets hard to tell sometimes.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, BurntEyes said:

    It was a sarcastic post. Perhaps you missed the part where I was averaging 4-12 "quads" or 16-72 shots an hour before getting home to drink more. That's how I "controlled" my consumption. Impressive huh? :)

    My bad-- sorry for snarking.

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