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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 4 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    That one is easy to answer.

    "Honor" is a foreign concept to aggys.

    fine, "wall of good teams", whatever. I'm still surprised they don't expand beyond "teams that literally finished on top of something no matter how trivial". The 1994 team's not on the wall, is it? Even though it was 10-0-1. 

  2. 17 hours ago, Reagan1k said:

    I know that look.

    If a person has to explain any facet of their drinking to a loved one-- if any of it is surprising and needs clarification-- they're probably one of us. 

  3. 19 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    It's also an absurdly comical, pandering, stereotypical display of life in Iowa.  

    you'll get what you get and you'll like it, else we won't make any more movies about Iowa

  4. I'm always amazed A&M doesn't do what Penn State does and just have a sort of "wall of honor" without saying, explicitly, "wall of champions". That lets Penn State recognize its teams from the late 60s that were unbeaten and that didn't play anybody, along with later teams that were good but unrecognized (1994, 2005). 

    Every school, A&M included, has teams like that. A&M subscribes to the Alabama Spirit of interpretation though. It's not enough to say "we had an unbeaten and unscored upon team in 1919", that team has to be a national champion even though there weren't any recognized bodies awarding national championships at that time and even if there had been, it would have been a two-loss Yale team or some shit. 

  5. Memory's a fickle thing. I have zero recollection of Edorian McCullough playing for us. If asked, I probably would have ventured a guess that he flunked out during a redshirt year or something equally quiet. 

    Real shame we didn't have THAT motherfucker, along w/the two linebackers, on the 2005 defense. I'm picturing Dan Fouts crying in the booth at the Rose Bowl. "STOP, STOP,  USC IS DEAD ALREADY!"

    • Like 1
  6. 27 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Assuming this was the 94 season?

    So really, they were close to not even fielding a team that year?

    Well, Smith was the powder keg that would have landed them on their double-secret probation and his shit all went down while Sherrill was still there, in 1988/89, so let's figure that it would have taken a year to investigate and rule on. That means it likely would have been the 1991 team that got axed, meaning the glory years of 92-94 would have been a "rebuild from the rubble" act. 

    I have to say that scenario, even though it's of a timeframe almost 30 years in the past, makes my dick hard. I was a senior in high school in 1991 and can only imagine the fucking Aggie dickslappers in my graduating class not having a fucking football team that year, or much of one to look forward to during their college years. Because believe me, A&M's football stature was a legitimate reason why kids from my HS chose to attend there. 

  7. Most of the players we signed between February 2010 and Mack Brown's firing were huge disappointments to me. Gray is the best example. 

    Reaching back a little further, I would say Malcolm Williams was one-- I thought that 91-ydr against Tech presaged bigger things. Nope!

    Edorian McCullough was another. I don't follow recruiting closely, but I seem to recall McCullough being touted as the best DB prospect we'd ever signed (or on that level), and that didn't turn out to be the case. 

    • Like 4
  8. 10 hours ago, ztejas said:

    "unprecedented sucess" meaning OU got megafucked for the end of Switzer and UT ended up wandering the desert post-Akers. 

    So congrats aggy, literally the only sustained period where both OU and Texas were down programs and you compiled 6/10 conference championships and... (checks bowl record)... 2 Cotton Bowl wins, a holiday bowl win, and 5 bowl losses. 

    They did, sort of, get an opportunity to play for an MNC against ND in 1992, proceeded to get ass-blasted 28-3, then technically went undefeated in 1994 but... whoops! You were on probation so no conference title and no bowl game. (oh - and get this - aggy's only non-win in 1994 was a tie to a fucking 1 win SMU team. 1 win against New Mexico, 1 tie against "undefeated" aggy, nine awful fucking losses)

    If your first "undefeated season" since WW2 (at least) ended without a conference championship and no bowl game you might be aggy. 

    They cheated. That's all you really need to know. They started cheating in earnest in reaction to Ron Meyer making the jump to lightspeed at SMU in the late 70s because Aggies are perpetually itching for an excuse to throw around money, and then they kept on cheating even after multiple NCAA probations. A&M came close to getting a death penalty of its own thanks to George Smith, but the Aggies were for once quick enough on the upshot that they figured that it might be possible to buy off a mercenary scumbag. Again. So they paid him to say "oh man no, never mind, all that stuff I said about A&M cheating, that... I meant to say that's NOT what happened".


    Any time an Aggie says anything about what they won in the 80s and early-90s dying SWC, there's the answer for them. Dirty, unethical, cheats. Interestingly, even though RC Slocum was ON the staffs that got TAMU into serious NCAA trouble, Aggies believe that once he was promoted to Head Foo'ball Coach, all the cheating dried up, instantaneously and miraculously, because RC was just that kind of dude.


  9. I just watched a great video, about the Bonehead Bowl. You guys heard of this? 1983, Cal at A&M, Cal kicks a 25-yd FG to go ahead 20-17 with about one minute to go, but A&M runs into the kicker-- it's unclear because you can't see it and the Aggie announcers are fuckwits who can't even tell if the FG is good. Anyway, Cal for some inexplicable reason takes the go-ahead score off the board in order to try to convert the 4th down. 

    Seriously. Instead of leading 20-17 with one minute to go, they try for a TD. And they don't get it, so A&M takes over inside its 5 yard line. Of course, it's clear the Aggies want to take the tie,  so they're just going to run some dive type plays, but on their second play they run a slow-developing toss sweep and Cal snuffs it for a game-winning safety. 


    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Dertyberd said:

     After my third trip out to the car to (swill down as much vodka as I could to suppress the anxiety)

    If you're reading this and you don't understand precisely what he means by this-- what it would feel like to sneak off to chug vodka, because your anxiety level demands that you do so-- consider yourself lucky. 

    Congrats on a year, Derty

    • Like 3
  11. 7 minutes ago, Reynolds Woodcock said:


    My favorite part of the rollercoaster is when bizzle is sufficiently confident in the program’s trajectory to do these types of drive bys. I still remember when Sumlin was “one of the best offensive minds in the game” and Jake Spavital was the second coming. Good times.


    plug and play motherfucker

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