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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 13 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    1999 was when I personally checked out of the rivalry, that is for sure. I found it upsetting how a faction of their fanbase made the tragic deaths of those kids all about themselves and their desire to win football games. I was also a bit annoyed how some of our fans were being dicks (though I was proud that UT as an institution reacted as well as one could under the circumstances). That game should never have been played. The whole thing was a very unpleasant and painful experience. 


    What sickened me then and sickens me now is, they treated the whole thing like it was a game. Like it was a movie. Like of course the movie ends with the Good Guys beating the Bad Guys in the Big Game. You had the John Lopezes of the world treating it like it was "poetic" that A&M won the game, and in comeback fashion!!!! showing that Aggies are never licked! That it was some kind of testament to the Aggie Spirit that they were able to overcome the tragedy they'd self-imposed and only had to overcome because they were too myopic to cancel the game.

    If you have a neighbor who's always playing with guns but leaves them loaded and with the safety off, and the stupid sonofabitch shoots a hole in his foot, I think you'd probably tell him "hey, let's skip the Fun Run this weekend and get you to a hospital, and maybe the guns need to be kept unloaded and safety locked just in case." No, instead we had to listen to the media tell us IT IS INCREDIBLY COURAGEOUS THE WAY HE'S COMPETING IN THIS FUN RUN DESPITE THE HARDSHIP HE'S SUFFERED. And worse yet, we got dysentery and the motherfucker beat us in the race.

    • Like 2
  2. 46 minutes ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    I think it was interference but I also can see how the ref would not call that. 

    I am baffled anyone would say this. Imagine that was a Texas receiver and an OU DB did that. You'd really be saying "ah, them's the breaks, me and the ref have a difference of opinion on that there play"...?

    It is amusing watching people strain to position themselves as the Voice of Reason in a debate that's not happening. This isn't a discussion over a shade of paint for the nursery, we're talking about a math problem. 2+2 is four. No one needs to pipe up with "I can see where you'd get three out of that equation". 

  3. 2 hours ago, Armybrat said:

    Remember our last halftime show at Pyle field? The Longhorn band showed class with a well done “Thanks for the Memoeries” theme, then the jackboot corpse band proudly strutted their penis-envy “saw ‘em off” crap formation to the delight of their mindless group think lemming followers. Assholes there didn’t have a clue.

    We weren't going to end the rivalry over 1999, but there was definite relief when it ended on its own. They should commemorate their fucking asshole behavior from that year right along w/making martyrs out of the 12 kids their dumbass culture killed.

  4. 13 hours ago, sidis said:

    advertisers don't give a fuck if it's poo-flinging.

    Thus, the response I got. I get it, I mean I'm only a little stupid. I wasn't giving business advice. Although, thinking about it, pretty sure the no-politics sports sites I'm thinking of are a lot bigger than this one.

    Again, I'm not particularly interested in changing hearts or minds. I just thought it was an interesting contradiction of "well everyone knows" conventional wisdom that you don't actually have to have a Special Ed classroom on your sportsball website. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, markstanco said:

    If you really are bored tonight you could find them on www.archive.org I would think.  

    if anyone is ever that bored, they should consider end of life options

    I hear Sweden takes a progressive view of that sort of thing

    • Haha 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    So yes, let's ignore

    No, dude. Let's ignore all the football that happened after the officiating error. That's all you gotta ignore. That's the only point most people are making here. If the error hadn't happened, New Orleans would have won the game. The error is inexcusable and shouldn't have happened, therefore New Orleans should have won the game.

    You don't come across as smart and analytical by pointing out that wasn't the only inflection point in the game. People have been doing that in sports since heavyweight boxing was a thing at the turn of the 20th century. Possibly since the Aztecs invented basketball. People are talking about one inflection point in yesterday's game specifically, so there's no need to change the subject by what-abouting the things that went New Orleans' way. I doubt many on this thread really care who won that game-- I'm not a Saints fan, I wouldn't care if they never played another down.

    There is no need to chuck up a BLUE LIVES MATTER TOO rejoinder to the assertion that "that PI/targeting non-call cost the Saints the game, what a screwjob". The NFL is a multi-billion dollar business. It doesn't need fanboy message board cheerleaders to protect it when something that undermines its integrity happens. It has ESPN for that.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Vic Mackey said:

    How?? There was a lot of football played after that game.

    It's the same concept of the Dez catch/no catch in 2014. That call did not lose us the game. Tons of shit beforehand cost us the game. And the Packers converted 3 or 4 third downs after that call.

    Saints blew this game themselves. Hell they had a lead right after that call.

    The right team won the game.

    Are you daft? Again, if the PI is called, the Saints keep the ball, run the clock down to a few seconds, and kick the go-ahead FG. There wouldn't have BEEN "a lot of football played" after that. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Leanderman said:

    hamm doesn't need a recruits phone number. Sooner or later every recruit has to use the can.

    Recruit: "Naw, man, I'm not interested in doin' a interview."

    Hamm: "Oh, OK. Uh.... you need to go to the bathroom?"

    Recruit: "Um, naw, I'm good for right now."

    Hamm (to himself): "I CAN WAIT"

    • Like 2
  9. 7 minutes ago, Hank Chinaski said:

    "We already out recruit them..."

    aggy never misses a chance to take a sample size of 1, largely misinterpret it, and call it a trend - provided that it favors aggy. (They've "out recruited" UT this cycle to the tune of being ranked a few spots higher with a negligible difference in average player rating.) 

    When has any Aggie, ever, contemporaneously believed and/or admitted Texas was out-recruiting them? They'll look back and say "well we was gettin out-recruited when <last coach> was coach because <bullshit reasons> but <new coach>, <new coach> ain't gonna let that happen no more!" but in the moment, every class no matter how bready and reprobrate is better than our BOMC-overrated recruits.

    Seriously, find me one year when Cocksucker Liucci ever said "Texas had a better class than A&M this year". Just going off gut feel, I bet he said A&M's class signed in the spring of 2006 was better than the one we signed coming off a national championship. I will bet he said A&M's class signed in the spring of 2002 was better than ours (the one with Vince Young in it).

    • Like 3
  10. 3 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    The refs gave them a make-up no call two plays later when the DB held Gronk all down the sideline, forcing 3rd and 10.

    The Saints have real beef with the officiating. Kansas City does not.

    So it didn't matter because Kansas City wouldn't have stopped them anyway and then it ALSO doesn't matter because there was uncalled holding on 2nd down. Are there any other reasons it doesn't matter?

  11. We have series coming up with LSU, Michigan, Georgia, and Alabama, none of whom we've played in the regular season in the past sixty years (or ever, in Michigan's case). We also have a series upcoming with Ohio State, which we did play in 05-06 for the first time in history and which is the winningest program in CFB over the past 25+ years. 

    That's pretty good OOC scheduling. It is in no way enhanced by playing a September game against an in-state rival that a) we have beaten 2/3rds of the times we've played, b) has no national presence whatsoever, and c) acted maliciously and in bad faith in leaving the Big 12. 

    Point c is still hugely operative for me. A&M's move to the SEC was two-thirds self-interest and one-third an absolute attempt to torpedo the Big 12 and leave Texas with what A&M assumed would be diminished stature as a program. I cannot say this explicitly enough: fuck Texas A&M and fuck the mother of every Aggie ever born. 

    • Like 1
  12. 22 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    Watching it live, I thought it was strange that Lewis didn't argue the call. Just got up and jogged back. 

    I don't understand why more coaches don't throw chairs. Well, I get why they don't do that in the NFL, but speaking figuratively. I mean when something that egregious happens, why isn't there more of a protest from the coaches and players? I felt like Charlie Strong took the Okie State debacle way too well in 2015, for example, especially after the game when we'd take the L. 

    I want to see this shit migrate to the college game. Texas draws TV eyeballs, fuckin let's see some screwjobs in favor of the bluebloods in college. It should be pro wrestling level hilariously in our favor when we play Okie State, West Virginia, Baylor, etc. 

  13. 31 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Like others have said, the fact that the CR exists works wonders to filter out politics from the rest, because you can point the discussion to a separate forum. 

    "Not allowing it at all" gets messy. So "politics isn't allowed" what does that mean? Can I make a tongue in cheek joke with political overtones? Can we talk about the government shutdown in passing on a different forum? Can we still make fun of aggy? Slippery slope. 

    I have heard all this before. It is not necessarily the case. It is an assumption people make about message boards but there is (anecdotal) evidence to the contrary. 

    By the standard of your second paragraph, does Surly need a Racism forum? Isn't it a slippery slope to say "racism isn't allowed"...?

  14. I seriously doubt they want to schedule us again. They put Clemson on the schedule back when Clemson was a second-tier program famous for "Clemsoning". They have Colorado and Arizona State coming up, along with Miami, FL (which hasn't finished in the Top 10 in 15 years) and Notre Dame (scheduled after the ND-Texas-Big 12 courtship failed and Notre Dame wanted to give Deloss a "fuck you", and which is an all-hat, no cattle program four out of five years anyway). 

    They're looking for second-tier programs OOC. 

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