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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 11 hours ago, dcar00 said:

    appreciate the positivity.  we happened to shoot well from 3 tonight.  we'll go 3 games now looking like shit from 3.  it's what this team does.  

    The team went into last night thinking it had no chance to win and nothing to lose, so it played loose and hung in. That's the team I've been saying will win 20 and eke out an NCAA bid. The problem is that as soon as they think they SHOULD win a game, the lid comes down on the basket and they overthink everything. 

    Personally if I coached a team I saw doing that, I would change things up to try to encourage more free-flowing basketball. Like pressing and trapping and trying to increase tempo and the % of the game spent in transition.

  2. On 5/11/2018 at 4:58 PM, oldhorn2 said:

    Joepa and PSU have been attempting to re write history since before the 1970 Cotton Bowl when they have tried and tried to explain why they ducked playing Texas for the Natty and instead tried to win the Natty in the press by whining around that they and not Texas should have been the champs. Fuck that little sniveling weasel Paterno. He was always a liar.

    Here is some interesting context to add to the discussion of Penn State's black players being too scared of Dallas to play in the 1970 Cotton Bowl (but not too scared to play in the same bowl two years later). 



    Triplett, Penn State football changed the game

    By Christian Milcos and Tom He

                Wally Triplett and the 1948 Penn State football team made sports history when the squad rallied around Triplett to ensure that he would be able to play in the Cotton Bowl against Southern Methodist University.

    Triplett became the first African-American to play in the Cotton Bowl, which was hosted in Texas. He went on to score the game-winning touchdown to break a 13-13 tie in the fourth quarter.

    Jim Voigt, longtime Beaver Stadium employee, said the Cotton Bowl and the NCAA frowned upon allowing African-Americans to play in the Cotton Bowl, as Texas was still segregated at the time. However, Penn State banded together to make sure that the whole squad would make the trip to Dallas. In addition, Voigt said the team threatened to not participate in the game if all their healthy players were not allowed to take the field.

    It is rumored that during a meeting debating whether or not the Nittany Lions should participate in the contest, team captain Steve Suhy was the first to utter the words, “We are Penn State.” He then went on to say there would be no more meetings on the eligibility of Triplett.

  3. I did a wee bit of digging. There's one other quarter as bad as the 2015 TCU game in our history (worse, actually, by one point) going back to 1960. The opponent wasn't OU believe it or not, nor was it Miami (91 Cotton Bowl), Houston (87-89), UCLA (97), or Baylor (thinking of the 1989 game-- they did ring us up 26-0 in the 3rd quarter of that one).

  4. 22 hours ago, Walden Ponderer said:

    I was with him all the way up to the Okie State game in year three. 

    I was anti-Strong beginning with the loss at TCU in year 2, but I was "FUCKING FIRE HIM AND THROW HIS DAMN FAMILY DOWN A WELL" after the blocked XPs.

    I think we all have some level of PTSD, like that TCU loss, where we got down 30-0 in the first motherfucking quarter, gets overlooked amongst his litany of sins. That is worse than losing to Kansas. I am not sure in 130 years of football if we've ever been outscored by more than 4 TDs in one quarter, not even in the Mack Brown TX-OU games. I am quite sure we've lost to teams as bad or even worse than Kansas. 

    He's one of the worst coaches a blueblood CFB program has hired in CFB's modern era. I doubt I can come up with ten worse. It's the worst mistake UT football has made in most of our lifetimes, if not ever.

    It should at least make people feel better to know that it would be hard to duplicate that level of error even if we tried.

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  5. 2 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    That is a fucking puff piece exalting the mighty leader of the Trojans from over 11 years ago. It’s nauseating in its nut hugging of Carroll and absurd to review over a decade later. What the fuck is wrong with you and why would you possibly think this merited its own thread?

    to say it another way, what does Pete Carroll have the need to "give back" for, precisely?

  6. 3 hours ago, alincoln said:

    No.  Ehlinger is entrenched as the starting Texas QB for probably the next two years.  

    Martell doesn't even know whether Fields will receive the waiver to play next year from the NCAA, although everyone is assuming that he will.  

    Worse is that he's assuming that if Fields does win the waiver lottery, he'll be the starting QB. I mean he might know something we don't. Maybe the coaches told him "you're ass, my dude, compared to Fields", but it's not exactly being a WARRIOR COMPETITOR to say "well I'm no longer a shoe-in to start at QB, better hit the road"

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Chad said:

    Make no mistake about it, the aggy are powerhouses in the SEC (in their own minds). They can hang their hats on that LSU win in 2018, but everyone knows the refs botched the fuck out of that game.  The gomers are 1-6 vs Bama and 1-6 vs LSU in the SEC somehow they've conveniently managed to dodge UGA completely and have only played UF twice. 




    They've also enjoyed Tennessee and especially Arkansas at serious dips in their programs, and had (in my opinion) better than expected luck against Auburn, which should beat A&M 7 of 10.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Gaffords said:

    Gotta love how they finally beat LSU at home in a 7 ot game translates to a sure win @LSU next year. They have beaten LSU exactly as many times as they have beaten Alabama but it is a sure win in all their minds...

    was there an Aggie alive who thought they'd lose to Bama in 2013? regular as clockwork, as Hans Gruber would say

  9. 2 hours ago, Mo Horn said:

    Regardless of wins and losses this year, this is why i think Shaka is gone after this year. He just doesn't generate excitement with his style of play. That and you don't ask donors to give to a multi-million dollar basketball arena and give them this. He would have to go deep into March Madness, probably final 8, to survive. 

    This is a tremendous mistake, thinking this way. The only thing the guy has going for him is one fluky deep March Madness run. You want to give him more rope if he manages another? 

    The guy is in over his head and isn't smart enough to know it. NEXT

  10. 5 hours ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    Every other year when this article comes out, I look at the pics of him at USC and think ‘that’s the test tube QB?’

    kid doesn’t look like he ever set foot in a weight room.

    That's the somewhat ironic thing. Marv played college football himself, his wife was a varsity college athlete, her brother started at QB for USC for a couple of years. Genetically, Todd Marinovich wasn't exactly a long shot to play college football, even at a scholarship level, even for a national championship caliber program. 

    I'm still trying to figure out how Marv stretched Todd's hamstrings as an infant. We've only had the one kid but she was and is Silly Putty in terms of flexibility. Aren't all babies like that? 


  11. That article is 100% exploitation. SI was the biggest cheerleader for the Marinovich experiment in the 80s and early 90s and now (cross posting) they're snapping the corpse's bones and sucking out that sweet sweet marrow. 

    It doesn't do anything to help Marinovich get sober to keep giving him a platform and making him the star of his own reality show, either. But this article gets those sweet sweet Gen X 'Member Berry clicks. 'Member... 'member Robo QB?

    It blames everything on the reputedly* whackjob dad, too, so it probably gets those even sweeter Millennial clicks. As long as Todd keeps trying to poison Marv by drinking the hemlock himself, he's going to stay sick.

    * I say reputedly because while I thought Marv Marinovich was likely a sadist from the time I first heard of Todd Marinovich, it stretches my credulity to read about recovered memories and the testimonies of two people who are clearly hurting. There's a lot of hearsay that's difficult to take at face value even if you think, as I do, Marv was basically a psycho. 

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