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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 2 hours ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    Twitter speculation (fueled by Gil Brandt and ProFootballTalk) that Kyler Murray might be coming back to play his Senior season at OU.   

    yeah Murray seems like a real altruistic guy who's just in it for the rah rah college experience, and who sits around saying to himself, "sure I COULD make money doing X Y or Z, but how can I best help Oklahoma's football program?"

  2. 4 hours ago, ztejas said:

    Really, I need to quit being a pussy and get to a meeting. I think there is definitely part of my mindset that needs context or to be better fleshed out. 



    I can't remember if you'd said you'd been to one or not, but this is a really good idea. You risk nothing by checking one out-- you can sit in the back quietly and scope it out, they ain't gonna make you get up there and lead the Pledge of Allegiance or anything. Even if you end up at a meeting with Captain Saveaho, you can just say "I'm here to listen tonight" if called on (but that is rare anyway).

  3. I've always had a lot of respect for Beilein but never would have imagined he'd have Michigan basketball two entire notches above Michigan football after four years of Harbaugh. Their basketball program is five star, the football program three. The basketball program wins conference championships and makes deep NCAA runs and will break through its ceiling and win the whole thing if it keeps coming this close. The football program feels like it's regressing and it still hasn't won anything under Harbaugh. Even its near misses aren't really close. 

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, ztejas said:

    As a still skinny youngin I've always found that skipping meals or straight up not giving into the craving of eating is one of the best ways to keep the lbs off. I mean it's really amazing what skipping lunch (or having something much lighter like a salad/smoothie) and then not giving into late night cravings will do to keeping your gut in shape. 

    Then again, I'm pretty narcissistic and would rather be hungry 10 hours a day than getting rounder around the edges. To each their own. 

    Also - if you are still drinking, drink smarter. Lighter beers. Clear liquor with soda. If the only sugar you put in your body is alcohol-based without any sugary mixers or calorie dense beers it can help keep your figure a bit more trim. 

    And I'm def a fan of ginger chews as @Celery Man recd. That, diet sodas, gum, mints can all help.

    two quibbles here

    1) When I was 20, I was 6'2" and weighed about 140 lbs. When I was in my mid-30s, I was (pretty obviously) the same height and weighed about 175. Right now I weigh 199 and it's not muscle-- I've been telling myself "as long as you're not drinking, it's OK" for the last nine months and now that I'm in my 40s, I can't do that and stay in the kind of shape that makes the ladies say "ooooooh" and "aaaaaah" and "did you just get out of the hospital, you're really thin". I've gone from Ethopiathin in my teens to skinny to slim to slim but full of grabbable surfaces. Assuming I start running and rein the diet in, I can be back down to 180 in a few months.

    My point is, time makes fools of our metabolisms, all. 

    2) I like your advice about drinking smarter! When I was drinking, I tried to keep things really simple and low-carb-- straight vodka out of the bottle. If I was a little bit sober, sober enough to notice that the cheapest vodkas have a sort of isopropyl flavor to them, I would wash it down with some Diet Coke. And I didn't eat anything-- Cheezits, in the rare moments where I was lucid enough to think "I'm hungry" but that wasn't every day. 

    The weight just melted off. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    Someone hacking and putting Lawrence in the portal would make for a great 30 minute meltdown on the Clemson boards.

    shit you could put 85 Aggie names on there and they'd be loading a cannon on to a train to take to NCAA headquarters

  6. 3 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    Poor Tater tot.  Justin Fields wants to go to Ohio State and now he realizes the Ohio State coaches were just using him as insurance.  How funny would it be to see the tater transfer and then Fields not get permission to go to Ohio State?



    Fields is an upgrade over Martell and Martell wasn't recruited by the current OSU head coach. And Fields doesn't need permission to transfer to Ohio State, no idea what you're talking about there. He needs an eligibility waiver to play in 2019, otherwise he sits a year and then plays

  7. Stopping drinking stops the chemical processes that exacerbate the fucked up parts of your brain. Working the steps can change the thinking and eliminate the behaviors that come from the fucked up parts of your brain. 

    But the only thing that cures a fucked up brain is death. That's why we stay in the program. 

    • Like 1
  8. And since this is the Internet, I can play armchair psychologist and say Kyler seems like a front-runner. He's fine at a place like OU where you win 80% of the time because you have the better talent 90% of the time. In the NFL, where the good teams lose 30-40% of the time and the difference between the Super Bowl and 6-10 is like two fifth-round picks, it's not hard to envision his little brain getting frustrated. Whether the quits or divides the locker room, who's to say, but fuck OU.

    • Like 1
  9. On 1/7/2019 at 7:41 PM, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    Still waiting to see how aggy math comes into play & they try to claim the $350mm in debt they owe for the stadium renovation as an asset.

    I'm only somewhat surprised some shyster hasn't convinced A&M to look into securitization. Sure, logically, you securitize debt that has cash inflows rather than debt you yourself are paying, but what are you, a faggot t-sip who didn't fight in any wars? tsips are like Ellis in Die Hard, Aggies are like Bruce Willis!!!! except he's a little too nice to the coloreds in that movie, but don't let tsips tell you what you can and can't do financially, look at how much bigger Wikipedia says our endowment is than theirs! 

  10. 8 hours ago, sushihorn said:

    Like most animals they have an elevated fight or flight reflex to danger. 

    they also clean their asses with their tongues and fuck their blood relatives if you don't separate them

  11. 1 hour ago, TexasGolf said:

    Auburn is beating aggy 

    Probably. I don't exactly consider the Miss schools or Arkansas guaranteed Ws either. But my point is, at a MINIMUM, even if they beat every non-preseason-top-5 team on their schedule, which is not the sort of thing A&M does, they STILL have to beat one of those three teams or a mystery bowl opponent JUST to get to 10. 

    If they go 9-3 and their three Ls are to Bama, Clemson, and Georgia, they're going to draw someone who's just a step or two below winning their P5 conference-- someone about on par with our 2018 season. So it's not like you can just say "oh well they'll win their bowl game, no doubt" in that scenario because if that were to happen, they wouldn't draw NC State or Duke,


    tl dr A&M isn't winning ten games next year

  12. Texas has not had a season (including this year) where they lost fewer games than A&M since 2011

    Yeah see the thing is, we're not the ones that fixate on one program as the point of comparison by which we determine if a season was successful. "WE LOST FEWER GAMES THAN TU!" is, yes, how most Aggies do it. 

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