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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. I read this as LHN Not Returning and was confused and dismayed.

    LJH was a good college football player, but not a first-team All-American or anything like that-- I think we can probably drag the program forward even without him.  He's making the right choice. He doesn't have a cold fusion patent riding on finishing college in the next two years. He can play two, five, ten years in the NFL, quit before he gets maimed, and then finish his Physical Culture and Sport degree at his leisure. I did that, minus the NFL part, and it worked out great for me.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Randolph Duke said:

    Even then, they would have to rely on a victory against a FCS team to to it. In 2012, when they last won at least 10 games, they had to rely on victories over two FCS teams to finish 11-2.

    I don't think 90% of the people in and around the sport even notice the SEC playing FCS schools any more. It's such a matter of course that it doesn't get asterisked the way it should.

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  3. 16 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    i know we've been through this several times, but marvel has a terrific track record - practically unblemished - in origin story movies they've produced.  if it's "thor 1" bad, then whatever.  i don't see any reason to think it'll be "green lantern" bad.

    i'm willing to give this the benefit of the doubt until the movie proves otherwise.

    Generally agree. I had no interest conceptually in seeing a Thor movie when I heard they were making one, but really enjoyed it when I saw it. Same for Ant-Man which has always struck me as the "we are out of superhero ideas" canary in the coalmine but made a pretty good movie. 

    Only going to see this if the positive reviews aren't transparently You Go Girl shit. If people genuinely seem to like it, I'll see it. I just need someone to tell me what to think first.

  4. 11 hours ago, Lobo said:

    It's not his fault we only made 2 3-pointers tonight.  It may be somewhat his responsibility that they threw up 22 of 'em.  

    this ain't intramurals, brutha, it is all his responsibility

  5. 14 hours ago, ztejas said:

    Oh my God. Texas has 32 points 29 minutes into the game?

    And I was half fooled that Shaka had figured something out. And OSU is 6-8.... yikes.


    You are falling for Shaka's "me coach good, them play bad" bullshit. When our players knock down some open threes, Shaka is quick to tell us that the guys are finally doing what he tells them to do. When they don't, they're not. He's not lying, per se-- I think pretty much every coach either tells his guys to make shots or assumes they will try to do that without being explicitly told, but people responded with total credulity when we made half our threes against Purdue and Grand Canyon and Shaka said he'd tweaked something and bingo, we're a juggernaut.

    I don't think you're one of those, but the whole thing is laughable. He doesn't have a clue how to build a team that plays reliably functional offense, and "make your shots" and "spread out on the break" are not brilliant coaching gambits.

  6. Quote

    Playing the preseason #1, #2, and #3 is indeed impressive... 


    FWIW, we play #6 and #10 next year (WEAK ASS!)

    It looks impressive. It's more impressive to play teams that actually finish in the Top 5/10, though, I think. Not sure. 

  7. 4 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    nobody cried for us, or gave us any credit, when we had to play mahomes, goff, and mayfield in the same season.  

    hopefully this particular worm is turning and people will shut the fuck up with the "Big 12 doesn't play defense = it's easy to play in the Big 12" shit

  8. 40 minutes ago, texaslong said:

    The only reason FSU even made the playoffs that year was because they were undefeated. Winston threw almost as many pics as touchdowns that year. Fishers teams there were getting worse every year. He jumped ship before he had to own them.

    that team played like a bunch of idiots who fucking hated each other and the coaches, but we so talented they couldn't help but win each week against their Charmin schedule

  9. On 1/3/2019 at 10:42 AM, Sbbruin said:

    The one thing UCLA is prepared to do is pay elite coaching money.  It's not likely Alford was on the cheap at $2.6 mil, but they are talking about going north of $4 mil, which for hoops is a shitload.  The program is pretty flush with the  UA money and new donor money.  But there are a lot of challenges that make the job unattractive.  I really think the Howland situation is going to hurt us though.  Here was a National COY who took the school to 3 straight FF and got canned for a bad-ish season... in which he won the conference.  And who is now taking a shitful MSU team and making them nationally relevant.  I was on record as saying his canning was a mistake.

    How much does Howland's shove out the airplane really hurt UCLA, though? I thought it was common knowledge that his program had some sketchiness around it, like not fistfuls of dollars but the way the players were treated...? 

    Either way, can I interest you in a young telegenic minority candidate? He's a tremendous asshole and an even bigger disappointment but he did coach one team to a Final Four during the lifetime of current players. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Butch Had Not said:

    I agree that we shouldn't overschedule but the flip side is a poorly attended 11 am kickoff against a team like UTEP or USF. We'll have assholes on here complaining about game atmosphere and early kickoffs. 

    I get why we should do it because the byu and Marylands of the world have kicked our asses.

    Our athletic department needs to throw its weight around and not get slated at 11 AM when the game sucks. A 6 PM start will paper over how unpalatable the opponent is, somewhat. At least, that's how it seems when we're crushing NMSU or Louisiana-Lafayette at dusk versus ULL running back a Simms INT for a TD at noon.

  11. If you really wanted to be clever and take a shot at Texas' chances in 2019, instead of saying HURRRRRR I GUESS TEY DONOT PLAY TEH MARYALDN!!! you'd say something more like "given what's happened to them against BYU/Ole Miss/Cal/Maryland, they better focus on beating Louisiana Tech!" which doesn't exactly make sense either but if you're tempted to say I GUESS MARYLAND NOT ON SCEDULES?, sense is not your ally

  12. Nebraska is being picked up there for two reasons. One is the schedule. They play two road games against teams that made bowls in 2018: Minnesota, which they beat by 25 points, and Purdue, who was last seen picking shards of bowl-trophy glass out of its collective rectum after Auburn buttfucked them into oblivion. So that's favorable at least. They also host Ohio State, which is a booby prize of sorts given that Ohio State's the only Big Ten school with non-Big Ten talent, but Nebraska did play them extremely close in Columbus this year.

    The other reason is, they were better the second half of 2018. But that's at least partly because they could not possibly have been worse, so overall, I think that this is a huge reach, maybe people trying to guess the next "Year 2 Wonder" (a la Stoops/Tressel/Meyer) and figuring Frost is going to work a fucking miracle next year.

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