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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. Reminder, A&M has never won a NY6/BCS/Coalition/Alliance bowl. They've won bowls that later carried the designation, but not contemporaneously-- e.g., we still had the BCS in 2012 when Johnny Manziel won the Cotton Bowl, but the Cotton wasn't a BCS bowl at that time. They won a Cotton Bowl in the 80s, one of them, but that predates any of the bowl alliance stuff.

    Hard to imagine never winning a meaningful bowl game, but then again, A&M is pretty hard to imagine period.

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  2. I hate, hate, hate the mindset of "well sure, we'll play prevent D, but we will stay aggressive on offense!!!!" That doesn't seem like it works. Seems like they score on your pussy prevent D, and then your jittery "aggressive" offense makes mistakes. We are not the only team that does this. I don't really want Sam throwing aggressively at this point.

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