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Posts posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. 9 hours ago, Pancho Negro said:

    Unless you know some people in the know, I don’t think this is happening. 

    Hell, I wouldn’t be shocked to see Shaka coaching here not just next year but the year after that too. 

    I think CDC is smart enough to recognize that retaining a coach who plays an unappealing style and fucking loses all the time is a recipe for apathy and bandwagoning.

    We haven't hired a lot of basketball coaches here since Bob Weltlich was fired, so it's not entirely meaningful to say "Smart is the worst coach since Bob Weltlich"... I guess we'll need to compare him outside of men's basketball, to guys like Strong, Goestenkoers, etc.

    Of all the reasons I"m glad Shithead Steve is gone, the Aggy-esque competing-with-ourselves deals he gave out like Oprah are just about top of the list. Georgetown would have taken Smart off our hands if we hadn't given him $20m reasons to stay, and Georgetown wasn't going/couldn't afford to build Smart such a luxurious safety net. There was never a chance he'd take that job and it was 100% because he knew he'd never get a better contract anywhere.

    Thanks, Steve, you fucking cockmunch.

  2. 8 hours ago, dcar00 said:

    we had to shoot lights out(both floor and FT's) to beat purdue by 4 at home.

    what are you, dumb? Shaka SAID after that game, or after we beat Grand Canyon or Rio Grande or the Eiffel Tower or whatever, that we shot better and scored efficiently because of adjustments he made to our spacing in the half-court and on the break. So obviously he unmade those changes last night and we suffered for it. Or the dumb, uncoachable players he's stuck with stopped executing his brilliant gameplan.

    That is one of the worst aspects of his bitch-ass personality-- his "I coached good, they played bad" appraisal of every loss. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Dnaguy said:

    I don't have any doubt that Charlie is a fine coach. I think he would make a great position coach, maybe a coordinator.

    how funny is it that at the time, this seemed like an insanely racist statement by an old coot, and now five years later... maybe not inaccurate

    I wonder how many of the guys that got run off in 2014 weren't actually in the wrong. It's probably not zero. At the time I thought fuck yeah, you show 'em Charlie, kick that Mack Brown deadweight out of the program and go to war like Iowa State's Dirty Thirty. Now I pretty much question everything I thought from December 2013 until the merciful, merciful ending

    • Like 1
  4. Penny Hardaway was a pussy as a player and his recruitment was dirty, so that should tell you something about how he's going to run Memphis' program. Fucking glorified JUCO anyway. 

    He became an uber pussy when he signed his first big money deal and decided playing hard was for guys who didn't have said big money deals.

    All things being equal, I would say he'd be about as successful at Memphis as Clyde Drexler was at Houston except Penny understands that the kind of kids his program needs don't give a fuck about Memphis or playing for one of Memphis' legends or anything else other than that sweet sweet under the table money. Calipari got it, Penny will too. I expect Memphis to be one of those knuckleheaded 8-loss Final Four teams with six future NBA players on their roster. 

    • Haha 1
  5. There is zero chance-- zero-- that Liucci didn't predict a national championship for A&M while Sumlin was coach. He MIGHT have predicted Franchione would win one in his tenure before the 2003 season but I doubt he predicted one after that debacle.

    He might have predicted one for A&M heading into 2011 since they made a handful of preseason "reach" Top Tens that summer based on the Herbstreit Principle, which states that any time A&M wins eight or more games in a season where they were expected to struggle, they are automatically a dark horse national championship contender the following year (proven out by 2003/2004/2005-- A&M was terrible in 2003, bounced back to win 8 or 9 in 2004, and then was Herbstreit's pick to win the Big 12 South in 2005). 

    There's just no way he DIDN'T pick A&M to win the 2013 national title. Someone else dig it up, I'm sure it's there. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Cameltoe said:

    Oh I didn't miss anything about your point. When you say the odds of us shooting well are slim you are acting as though our shooting percentage is an immutable given, 

    I know that because you like Shaka so much, you hope this isn't the case, but we are in year 4 of evidence that "we can't shoot for shit" is indeed an immutable given at the season level. There will be individual games-- even back to back games!!!!!-- where this is not the case, but you'll have to excuse my skepticism if I want to wait for a slightly larger sample size than two home games against mediocre opponents to consider our offensive challenges solved.

  7. 11 hours ago, Machinator said:


    It is so critically important that we differentiate ourselves from some of the other large public schools in Texas in terms of how we treat our (in this case potential) access to state funding. State and local taxpayers should not be paying for these kinds of things even if we could three-card-monte the shit out of it. I'm proud our University's chosen not to do that.

  8. 3 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Right, except that's not the debate that been happening in Oklahoma.  

    Nonetheless, he's a shitbag for a whole lot of reasons, and fuck OU, so I don't really give a fuck except for the broader debate (or lack thereof) that affects the entirety of our state's education systems.

    I have been there, vis Rick Perry & Co's Fantabulous Diploma Mill Contraption and it's (potential, now blunted) impact on the University of Texas. I just don't know if you know how much of an asshole you sound like when you basically say "I could say more but the unfair and unreasonable will Cloak Room it". 

    Sorry people are letting you down.

    • Like 1
  9. 18 hours ago, Cameltoe said:

    It isn't really that simple. Shooting percentage is like an end product that comes out of several factors including ball movement, floor spacing, moving without the ball, getting open looks, having confidence, etc..

    As usual you miss the point. We made a lot of shots against Purdue and Grand Canyon, so we won. As long as we shoot like that, we'll win. The odds of shooting like that are slim, so we're still on track for 20 wins and a 9-seed / first-round exit from the NCAAs.

    EDIT-- unless you literally, credulously believe that Shaka has suddenly cold fusioned his way to a team that can reliably shoot 50% from three and 90% from the line. Meaning you think that he has been trying to crack this particular nut for four years and it's only just prior to the Purdue game that he got there.

    I think it's far more likely that the team did what the team does and in consecutive games, the same open looks we've gotten all year long dropped instead of clanging, and Shaka Smart like most coaches wants credit for that (since he takes the blame when the shots don't fall), so he coachspoke his way to "the ball going through the rim was my idea". 

  10. 12 minutes ago, Machinator said:


    we changed a few things, namely making an acceptable-to-good % of our three points shots and free throws 

    look, if our success the rest of the way is predicated on shooting as well as we did the last two games, it's going to be a long and unpleasant slog

    • Like 2
  11. Great discussion. For anyone who's relatively young and/or hasn't hit that gigantic facial tattoo of a warning sign yet (e.g., killing someone driving drunk), the thing to keep in mind about stopping is that a lot of us think at some point "I definitely drink more than anyone else, may be a problem drinker, might even be an alcoholic, but I'm not ready to quit so I'll just keep going until The Time Is Right". CeleryMan made reference to this. 

    That thinking involves a powerful delusion, though, namely the idea that your drinking is like gingerly feeling your way down a staircase in the dark but doing so with a tight grasp on the banister and hell you're OK to keep descending at this rate. That all seems really good until your drunk ass wildly misses a step and goes tumbling down three flights, landing in a bloody heap. 

    That last paragraph may be metaphorical for you, or literal.

    Either way my point is, where you TELL yourself you'll get off is only nominally a matter of choice. If you are like me, you'll blow through a whole bunch of things you swore you'd "never" do before you reach your stopping point, because  I went from thinking who wants to chug warm vodka at 630 in the morning? to I better chug this warm vodka at 630 in the morning or I'm going to die. And I did that fully expecting that the heroic moment where I reached Total Clarity and knew I had to quit was right around the corner.... but wasn't today, of course. 

    Right now, there are thousands of alcoholics in America who did not set out last night to get arrested for felony DUI or kill someone in a car crash or beat their wife or children or God knows what else, but did those things because their physically warped frontal cortexes and even more warped moral centers put them in a place where the awful, destructive, and painful drinking that was about to cause those calamities still seemed like the drinking they'd fallen in love with. 

    I wish I'd quit sooner, but I'm grateful to have quit at all. I didn't quit before my alcoholism became a pathology that still tells me "it wouldn't be that bad to live under a bridge, if you could drink the way you want to, all the time." So I have to be ever vigilant that the conscious part of my brain greets that subconscious sales pitch with a hearty FUCK YOU BRAIN, because if it doesn't, I am one good drunk away from being a drag rat. 

    • Like 5
  12. the most disappointing thing is that we're still going to win 20, finish 6th in the BIg 12, get a 10 seed in the NCAAs, lose in the first round, and then bring this idiot back for another season

    • Like 3
  13. 10 hours ago, MrPhlegm said:
    18 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:
    OK cool

    Fuck off Mack.

    shut the fuck up you stupid fucking cocksucker

    George H. W. Bush died peacefully last night. Be more like George H. W. Bush.

    • Fuck You 2
  14. 10 hours ago, Napoleon said:



    the fact that you think our winning a national championship came down to Vince Young telling Mack Brown "stop coaching" and Mack saying "hurrrr durrr OK i won't coach for the next twenty games" and then an uncoached team won the national championship

    you have a facile, not to say todder-like, understanding of how championship football teams are led

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

    I don’t necessarily agree on the Tech 2008 game.  Our offense had been hit and miss that game, and trying to run a few more plays to bleed the clock could have caused us to not score at all.  We weren’t a great power running team that could feel confident about punching it in whenever we wanted to.  I think we just had to try to score as best as we could.

    That shit is nine-tenths people playing too much Madden. I haven't watched the end of that game since 2008 so I'll grant it's possible we could have assumed we had more than enough time to score and run more time off the clock between plays, but the idea that we could have just run a fullback dive five times in a row to cover the last 15 yards and then called The Touchdown Play is video game bullshit.

    Shit we might has well have lined up in the Hail Mary formation, put our fastest receiver at QB, and sprinted out every play. That worked just fine in NCAA Football 2009.

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